"God!" Tang Xinxin cried, "I understand why Ding Dang wants Uncle to control it?"

"Nani?" Wu Di was dumbfounded.

Even if the last sweetheart was abducted by the little cousin, they don't like her anyway. This girlfriend is in love and wants to climb the little cousin's wall?

"What nonsense? Take it!" Gong Mo reminded.

"Come on!" Tang Xinxin gave her the camera, "My technique is not as good as yours."

Gong Mo reluctantly adjusted the lens and took a picture of Yu Qingliu. Then he asked Sheng Nanxuan to take a group photo.

Sheng Nanxuan went up to the ground very obediently, but after the filming, she pulled her over and asked Tang Xinxin to take a group photo with them.

In the end, everyone took a photo together, ending this trip to the United Nations.

Since then, no person or organization will be allowed to conduct experiments on brain exchange/will transfer/soul transfer on a global scale.

And because SRC conducted this experiment, the United Nations Medical Organization set up a task force to investigate in China to see if SRC has done other experiments with serious consequences.

The SRC was completely overthrown, and a large number of researchers were arrested, investigated, and detained.

But Carter, the person in charge, escaped and disappeared...


When the group returned to China, Tian Cheng was going back to Nanjiang to get the admission notice.

Gong Bai originally wanted to accompany her back, but the annual leave he requested had ended and he had to go back to work.

Before getting off the plane, he reminded the two of them: "Gong Jin is here."

The two looked at him in surprise.

He touched his nose: "I didn't deliberately hide it from you, I just don't want to upset you."

Gong Mo asked: "When did you come?"

"In early July, after he finished the exam."

"Follow sister Fei?" Tian Cheng asked.

Gong Bai nodded: "He is about to start school, he should be back soon."

Gong Mo wanted to remind you, don't let Gong Jin know that she is back. But after thinking about it, Gong Jin might not be happy to disagree with her. Besides, without her reminding, Gong Bai will keep it secret, right?

Back home, Gong Mo helped Tian Cheng pack his luggage.

It was originally brought back from abroad in a whole box, so it is not difficult to pack it up. You don’t need to bring all the clothes back, you just need to sort some out, and then bring gifts from abroad.

Gong Mo asked: "Will my aunt invite guests for dinner?"

"It's just a college entrance examination. What would you please?" Tian Cheng frowned, "Of course none of the people on my father's side will come. As for the two uncles... maybe they have to fight, let's forget."

Gong Mo smiled: "If you are not used to the people under your brother-in-law, let He Yue accompany you back?"

"No need?"

"When you come over, there should be a lot of things, how can you do it alone?"

Tian Cheng thought for a while, and whispered: "Mom seems to want to come with me..."

Gong Mo was taken aback. Thinking of the day she entered university, although she was in this city, Shan Rong was still very excited and very nervous, sending her to school and helping her run up and down, completely uneasy.

For parents, children go to college as the beginning of independence and fly away from them.

Gong Mo said: "Mothers are like this, so I can't rest assured. I was in Nanjiang back then and my mother was like that, let alone you come to the capital..."

Tian Cheng looked at her: "Then... I will ask her to send me over then?"

Gong Mo nodded: "Then I will take you to the airport and ask my aunt to pick you up. I won't arrange for someone to accompany you back."

"Okay..." Tian Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Gong Mo asked: "Do you really want to go back tomorrow? Let's talk about the jet lag." (To be continued~^~)

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