Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 896: I don't care about you when I'm sick

Gong Mo suddenly understood. This matter is not his own business, but more of a competition between the Liberal Party and the People's Party. The BJP’s involvement in the SRC has greatly lost the hearts of the people and has also been condemned internationally. This time the Liberal Party was elected, there is almost no suspense.

She patronized and worried about him, and actually forgot to analyze the big situation.

She sighed and felt that her mind seemed to rust after being a housewife for two or three years!

If this doesn't work, it will be out of touch with society, and will have no common language with him!

At that time, he cheated, became a yellow-faced woman, divorced, was abandoned, and went out...

The more Gong Mo thought about it, the more terrifying he shuddered.

Sheng Nanxuan immediately looked over: "I told you to wear more clothes, have you caught a cold? Huzi, go get a blanket for your mother."

"Okay~" Hu Zi jumped up happily, Ding Ding Dong Dong ran back to the bedroom and dragged a blanket out.

The blanket was heavy, he was small, he dragged it up, yeah, yeah, panting.

Sister Li wanted to help him, he shouted: "No, no, no...I'll do it myself! It's for my mother!"

He has to do things for his mother.

Gong Mo laughed, Sheng Nanxuan stretched out his hand and touched her forehead, and said to Sister Li, "Bring the thermometer."

Gong Mo was speechless: "I don't have a cold." Why did he make a fuss?

Sheng Nanxuan glared at her, she shivered again, and hurriedly said, "I was scared by you!"

"I scared you just now?"

Gong Mo nodded: "I just feel that I suddenly become stupid, and I am afraid that you will despise me. The thought of this makes me scared."

Sheng Nanxuan: "..."

"Ma Ma~" Huzi walked up to her panting and tripped on the blanket, "Oh~"

"Ah--" Gong Mo screamed when he saw his head hit the coffee table, reaching out to help him.

Sheng Nanxuan picked up the person first and looked at him speechlessly: "With me, what are you worried about?"

Gong Mo covered his face, remembering that he was not a normal person at all, his speed was lightning fast, she really didn't need to worry about him.

But, in that situation, who would think of those?

"Ma Ma~" Huzi bent over and pulled the blanket at her feet, "Cover it."

Gong Mo frowned and looked at the blanket. Although the house is very clean, she still feels the floor dirty subconsciously, and she trembles when she picks it up.

Huzi immediately covered his nose. This is what Gong Mo taught him. When shaking things, there will be invisible dirt flying in the air, so cover your nose.

Gong Mo smiled, squeezed his little nose, put the blanket on his lap, and covered his little feet.

As soon as Huzi saw it, he immediately climbed away from Sheng Nanxuan, lifted the blanket and went to her side, next to her.

Sister Li came over with the thermometer and handed it to Sheng Nanxuan: "Mr. Sheng."

"Thank you." Sheng Nanxuan looked at Gong Mo, "Where is the amount?"

Gong Mo pursed his lips, snatched the thermometer, and put it under his armpit.

When she first put it in, the cold touch made her take a breath.

"Mom is sick?" Huzi asked.

"No, your father is making a fuss."

Sheng Nanxuan snorted, reached out and touched her forehead again, it was indeed not hot.

He said: "Then you should wear thicker clothes and take precautions, otherwise I won't care about you if you are sick."

Gong Mo smiled: "If you say that, I suddenly want to try it and see if you really don't care about me?"

Sheng Nanxuan listened, and angrily fell the document: "You can eat me, right? Do you dare to give birth to a try? I will give you the most bitter medicine!" (to be continued~^~)

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