Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 895: Are you not worried at all?

"Yes. The clothes are expensive up and down..." Gong Mo was taken aback suddenly, "Where does she get so much money?"

Sheng Nanxuan frowned, "I hope Carter is not with her."

"If you are together, Carter won't let her send things, right? Carter is caught now and he is dead. It's too late to hide. How could he go to such a lively place?"

"That's right." Sheng Nanxuan put down the photo, "I hope there will be news soon."

When Gong Mo heard this, he rubbed his hand on his shoulder a few times, and comforted him: "Mom must be fine. She should do this to tell you: Don't find her, she is fine."

"But if it was you, she told you not to look for it, would you stop looking for it?"

"Of course—" Gong Mo wanted to say no, but this answer seemed to be ambiguous, and he paused and said, "You will still find it! But you don't need to worry about her safety."

Sheng Nanxuan smiled: "I really don't worry about her safety, but worry about those who meet her."

After a while, some Yu Qinghuan's stay in Country M was found.

However, she has left country M, and the customs has her exit record. Of course, only the photo is of her, not her identity. But she looks exactly the same, it should be her.

After seeing the result, Sheng Nanxuan said disappointedly: "It seems that she sent the item when she left, and she doesn't want me to find her."

Gong Mo said: "Maybe she wants to walk around and have a look? Maybe she will send something."

Sheng Nanxuan nodded and placed the two photos.

"It's just that grandpa and grandma have been thinking about her. But she doesn't show up, I dare not tell the old man."

"She...should have a sense of measure in her heart." Gong Mo comforted, "As for the grandfather and grandmother, it can be said that some news that she is still alive has been found, giving them hope."

Sheng Nanxuan smiled bitterly: "They have not believed it for so many years, but when people are desperate, they will believe a lie. If Mom doesn't come back for a long time, just tell them like this."


At the end of November, the presidential election went to the final stage-the national vote.

The voting ended at 5 pm, and the TV station has been reporting live.

Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan voted online, and then waited for the result in front of the TV.

It should be said that only Gong Mo was waiting. Sheng Nanxuan was not in a hurry, bowed his head to sort out the company's information, and played with Huzi from time to time.

At five one, the voting results were announced and Ding Yuan was elected the next president.

Gong Mo jumped up with joy, and Sheng Nanxuan said calmly: "Uncle will have a wedding at the Presidential Palace next year."

Gong Mo was dissatisfied with his calm reaction.

Isn't this something he has been planning? Why is he not nervous at all?

She was so nervous, for fear that Ding Yuan's failure to become president would cause him any loss. In the end, he did well, and he was not afraid that such a long-term plan would be overwhelmed!

Gong Mo felt quite boring, and felt worried.

She asked depressedly: "What are you doing so calmly? What if Ding Yuan is not elected?"

"He was not elected, what should I do? Why do you want to ask me?" Sheng Nanxuan asked puzzledly.


Gong Mo choked and said so, but they all knew what was going on, of course they had to ask him!

"Are you not worried at all?" she asked.

"What is there to worry about? Even if the Liberal Party loses, the new president is not Huo Cheng." (To be continued~^~)

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