Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 894: Fang Yang found this city

She asked embarrassedly: "Do you have a bag?"

The man took out a simple bag, which seemed to be of poor quality, but it should be fine for the time being.

While helping Yu Qinghuan to put the money in, he said, "You said it to me."

Yu Qinghuan took the bag, took out a pile from the middle and put it in front of him: "This is for you~bye~"

Turning around, she ran out quickly.

Run to the door and ran into some casino bodyguards.

A fierce-looking man came out, bared his teeth at her, and said viciously: "Beauty, has anyone told you that casinos can't go out of business."

"But I didn't come out of a thousand people." Yu Qinghuan said.

"I think you have, why not stay and let us check?"

Yu Qing smiled and backed away: "Do you think I will stay?"

"You better stay," the man said, "you can't run away."

Yu Qinghuan looked at the people around, then turned and ran to the elevator.

The man sneered and said to the bodyguard behind him: "Chasing!"

Yu Qinghuan ran to the top floor. Although the building was not high, it had more than ten floors.

She looked down. At this moment, the city is brightly lit, and vehicles come and go on the road.

The bodyguard of the casino caught up with her and smiled triumphantly when she saw where she was standing.

"Beauty~ You'd better come here obediently, we'll be gentle in a while."

Yu Qinghuan glanced at them coldly, jumped and disappeared before their eyes.

Everyone was shocked and chased after her, and saw her black figure falling on a car on the side of the road.

The driver didn't know what was going on, so he cursed.

Yu Qinghuan turned to the ground, the hem of the windbreaker turned up, revealing a touch of red.

The people on the roof were stunned.

Yu Qinghuan looked up at them, turned and disappeared from the street corner.

She ran directly back to the digital store, which just happened to be proofing. The clerk saw her with a surprised expression: "Are you back?"

"Well, please give me that camera." Yu Qinghuan put the bulging purse on the table and took out a stack of banknotes from it.

The clerk was stunned by her: she...did she rob the bank?

Yu Qinghuan counted dozens of pieces of money and said, "No need to look for it."


During the meal, Sheng Nanxuan answered a call and went to the study as he answered.

Gong Mo glanced at him suspiciously, Hu Zi shouted from the side: "Dad~"

"Dad has something." Gong Mo picked up the spoon to feed him.

He twisted his head and shouted, "I'm coming!"

"Okay, here you come." Gong Mo put the spoon into his hand, he held the spoon to scoop the bowl of rice, and he got the rice everywhere.

"Hmm!" Huzi was a little discouraged, but he still kept up.

Gong Mo got up and said to Sister Li, "Look at him, I'll be back soon."

She walked outside the study and knocked on the door.

Sheng Nanxuan said, "Come in."

Gong Mo opened the door: "Are you still eating?"

Sheng Nanxuan beckoned to her, she walked over immediately, and saw the photo sent by Yu Qinghuan on the table.

Sure enough, Yu Qinghuan has news!

Sheng Nanxuan pointed to the photo of the night view of the city: "Fang Yang found this city."

When Gong Mo heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Is she still there?"

"Someone has been sent to check it, I guess it is no longer there." Sheng Nanxuan sighed.

Gong Mo picked up the photo: "Then mom sent you this photo to tell you that she has been here? She must not want you to worry."

Sheng Nanxuan nodded, rubbing another photo of Yu Qinghuan's back, "She looks like she is doing well." (To be continued~^~)

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