Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 907: Get in! Gong Mo is dangerous!

He threw the man against the wall.

The man snorted and fell from the wall, smashing the cabinet below.

Sheng Nanxuan grabbed him and kicked him hard between his legs——

"Oh—" the man screamed.

Sheng Nanxuan threw him to the ground and continued to kick him several times around his waist.

He couldn't move because of the pain, but he knew that he couldn't go on like this!

This man's strength is too great, and he will die after a few more kicks! Even if you do not die, the following will be abolished!

He immediately hugged Sheng Nanxuan's feet, and begged for mercy: "Wrong, wrong... I was wrong... Please forgive me... Uuuu... Pain... Forgive me!"

Sheng Nanxuan kicked him away and looked at his trousers, showing an expression of disgust.

"Woo..." The man finished a shrimp on the ground and cried bitterly under his crotch.

Sheng Nanxuan turned and walked out of the room, rubbing his forehead: "Back to the hotel."

After returning, he wanted to call Gong Mo. Raising her hand to look at the watch, it is early morning over there, she must have fallen asleep long ago.

He dropped his hand, decided to rest first, and talked when he woke up.


At six o'clock in the morning, Gong Mo was still asleep when a doorbell rang outside.

Sister Li was already awake, just getting up to make breakfast, she glanced in the cat's eyes when she heard the voice.

There were three men in suits and leather shoes standing outside.

Sister Li was shocked, because Sheng Nanxuan was not there, she did not dare to open the door. I was trying to pretend to be ignorant, but the people outside seemed to feel her presence. The person in the middle picked up a certificate: "We are from the government, come to do an investigation, please open the door."

"You... wait a minute." Sister Li said in a panic, and turned to look for Gong Mo.

Gong Mo slept well, she didn't dare to disturb, she hesitated for a while before shaking her up: "Mrs."

Gong Mo opened his eyes, a little unhappy: "What's the matter?"

"A few people came outside and said they were investigating."

"Investigate what? Let them go!" Gong Mo rolled over.



There was a loud noise outside, and someone seemed to hit the door.

Gong Mo was startled and stood up and got up.

"I'll go and see!" Sister Li hurriedly ran out.

Gong Mo picked up his robe and put it on, got out of bed and walked out. After passing the door of the baby room, the door opened slowly.

She looked over and saw that Huzi was wearing pajamas, stepping barefoot on the stool, and holding the doorknob in her little hand.

"Mom~" Huzi carried a sweater, "Give it to me."

"You go in first." Gong Mo heard the sound of hitting the door outside, picked him up, walked into the room, and put him on the small bed, "Goodbye, mom will come in right away."

Huzi asked scaredly: "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, you stay in bed."

Gong Mo walked out, and Sister Li was wandering around in the living room in a hurry. When she saw her, she asked, "Mrs.

Gong Mo's face was black: "Call the police! What else can I do? Notify the property after reporting to the police!"

In the early morning, this is a robbery? What is the property for?

Gong Mo is not afraid. The door locks at home are specially custom-made, and they will definitely not be knocked out. Moreover, with Sheng Nanxuan as the backing, anyone who dares to come to look for things will be destroyed by him into scum! These people are really eye-catching and have eaten the guts of bears!

Sister Li just picked up the phone, and only heard the sound of biu when a bullet shot in from the door lock.

Gong Mo was stunned. Before he had time to react, four or five men broke in from outside with guns.

These people should have fired at the lock a long time ago, just because the gun is equipped with a silencer, which is not easy to hear. (To be continued~^~)

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