Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 908: Kidnapping Gong Mo and the child

"Who are you?!" Gong Mo shouted.

This was beyond her imagination, and she thought of many possibilities: Carter, Huo Cheng, Sheng Dongbi...

Suddenly she discovered that Sheng Nanxuan's enemies were not average.

One of the men raised the gun, Gong Mo screamed while holding his head, and then heard a scream from Biu, and Sister Li screamed and fell to the ground.

Gong Mo looked over and found that Sister Li had a shot in her right hand, and the landline microphone fell out of her hand.

"Don't move!" The remaining men pointed their guns at Gong Mo.

Sister Li groaned in pain: "Mrs...."

A man pointed a gun at her, preparing to end her life.

Gong Mo saw his attempt and hurriedly blocked it: "Don't kill her!"

The man paused, removed his gun, and said to the others, "Take them away! There is a child, find him!"

"What are you doing?" Gong Mo was shocked, rushing over to block them.

A man pushed her away. She fell to the ground and immediately wanted to get up. The next second she felt the cold muzzle against her forehead.

She froze and did not dare to move.

"Ah--" Huzi's cry came.

Regardless of the gun on his head, Gong Mo got up and rushed over.

The people behind were taken aback and didn't actually shoot her, but followed.

Gong Mo rushed to the door of the baby room and saw a man carrying a tiger. The tiger kept kicking and beating each other, shouting: "Bad guy! Bad guy!"

"Tiger!" Gong Mo shouted.

Huzi saw her and wanted to go to her, but the man held him, and he lowered his head and bit the man's wrist.

The man frowned, raised his hand and knocked on the back of his neck, and he fainted.

"Tiger--" Gong Mo yelled in panic.

Suddenly, there was a pain in the back of her neck, and then she lost consciousness.


Gong Mo was awake from freezing, and before he opened his eyes, he heard crying and groans around him.

"Mom..." Huzi's cry came.

Gong Mo opened his eyes and found him lying on his chest, tearfully pulling his clothes.

There was a painful groan from the side, Gong Mo looked over, it was Sister Li.

She looked around. It was a small room with nothing in it, like a cell.

The walls are bare, very flat, and the ground is concrete. A narrow window was opened at the top of the wall near the roof, with steel bars standing in the middle of the window, and several snowflakes floated in from there.

No wonder it's so cold...

Gong Mo clasped his arms tightly, heard Hu Zi's crying, bowed his head, saw his face flushed and scratched himself, knowing that he was colder, immediately took off his nightgown and wrapped him.

"Mom..." Huzi sniffed and whispered, "Call Dad and beat the bad guy."

"Good." Gong Mo touched his head, put him aside, and moved to Sister Li's side.

Sister Li has taken off her coat and wrapped her injured hand, but the blood has stained her coat red.

"I'm sorry..." Gong Mo held her hand and wept.

Although Sister Li is a servant, she just thinks about it and she feels sorry.

If it's yourself, working hard for others, but suffering from such an innocent disaster, you will feel grieved! I would rather not make money than suffer this torture! Moreover, in the current situation, it is very likely that he will lose his life.

Those people's purpose was themselves and Huzi, and they didn't seem to care about Sister Li's life or death, so they didn't pay attention to her at first.

Gong Mo didn't want to kill anyone, thinking of what might happen, he felt painful. (To be continued~^~)

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