I don’t know how long it took, and there was a warm heat source around her. She leaned over and shouted in a low voice: "Nanxuan..."

She saw that she was still in the basement, surrounded by ice water that had just returned, her body began to freeze, and the tiger in her arms was pale...

"No...don't die..."

She looked at the skylight in despair and helplessly, and the sound of bullets came from outside. She saw Owen, Zeng Shuai, Yu Qingliu...Everyone was shot through by bullets.

She is going to die too.

In the most desperate time, Sheng Nanxuan descended from the sky and took her and Huzi into his arms.

"Don't be afraid," he said, squeezing her cold hands.

A wolf suddenly rushed over, Gong Mo screamed, opened his eyes, and found that he was dreaming.

"Mo Mo!" Sheng Nanxuan shouted anxiously next to him.

She looked over and wept with excitement, "Nan Xuan...I thought...I was going to die."

"It's all right." Sheng Nanxuan hugged her, "Just dreaming, you're all right."

Gong Mo hugged him tightly, and it took a long time to calm his breath, and asked, "Why are you here? Where's the tiger?"

"He's asleep. I'll be with you."

"I'm fine." Gong Mo's mind was dizzy, "Go with him, he will be afraid."

"You will be afraid too."

"Then you take him over, I will take him, I will not be afraid of him, and he will not be afraid."

Sheng Nanxuan thought for a while. The bed was so narrow that it would be impossible to sleep three people, so he had to carry the sleeping tiger. Then he put on his coat and lay down beside the bed, guarding them.

Gong Mo asked urgently: "How do you sleep like this?"

"It's okay, I will go to bed during the day."

"You won't sleep during the day, I know." Gong Mo said sadly, "Go and sleep next to you. I won't be afraid if you are there."

Sheng Nanxuan kissed her on the face: "Well, you close your eyes first, and I will go there when you fall asleep."

"Don't lie to me."

"Do not lie to you."

Gong Mo knew that he was going to lie to herself, but she dragged the sick body and didn't have the energy to argue with him.

She closed her eyes, and within a short while, various scenes appeared in turn.

There are terrible memories in the basement, as well as warm memories at home, and occasionally the two scenes are intertwined, and the people around her die one by one!

She knew she was dreaming and wanted to wake up, but she was powerless.

Sheng Nanxuan slept on the side of the bed for a while, hearing her painful groan, got up quickly.

She had a pained expression, not knowing whether it was because of illness or suffering, or having a nightmare again.

He reached out and touched her forehead, then went under the quilt and found that she was sweating.

He got up and poured warm water to feed her and gently massaged her head. After a while, she finally calmed down.

Sheng Nanxuan breathed a sigh of relief, took Hu Zi to the bed next to him, and asked the nurse on duty to bring in a new set of hospital gowns, which he personally changed to Gong Mo.

Gong Mo was sweating, his clothes and bed were wet. After changing clothes, he took her to Huzi's bed.

Then, still lying on the side of the bed in his coat, he reached into the quilt and held her hand. In this way, he can find out what she reacts in time.

As if he hadn't slept for long, he felt a movement in his palm, and awoke hurriedly, and found that it was dawn.

Gong Mo was already awake, his face improved a lot. Huzi also woke up, more energetic, and guessed that he would not need an infusion.

Gong Mo asked: "Why don't you sleep in bed? Why am I here?"

"You sweat at night and the quilt is wet. I'm afraid you catch a cold, so I can only change it." Sheng Nanxuan said. (To be continued~^~)

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