He stood up, stretched, and glanced at the time, eight o'clock in the morning.

He reached out and touched Gong Mo's forehead, it was no longer burning.

Huzi got up from the bed and took out a small sock: "Put it on!"

"Okay." Sheng Nanxuan walked over and put his socks on.

Gong Mo sat up, his head felt a little heavy.

Sheng Nanxuan put a coat on her and said, "When you have breakfast, I will go home and pack your clothes and Huzi's clothes."

Gong Mo nodded, Huzi turned and looked at her: "Mom~"

She bowed her head and kissed him, and she was relieved to see that he was much better.

After breakfast, Sheng Nanxuan poured boiling water and gave Gong Mo medicine.

Huzi sat on the side and stared blankly, with a look of fear on his face.

Sheng Nanxuan looked at him: "It's your turn!"

"Don't eat or eat..." Huzi muttered and got into the quilt to hide.

It happened that Yu Qingliu came over, took his temperature, and said to Sheng Nanxuan: "He is much better, no infusion is needed."

"Don't take medicine!" Huzi called.

"Get an injection without taking medicine!" Yu Qingliu said to the nurse with a sullen face, "Take the needle out."

The nurse immediately took out a disposable syringe from his pocket, ready to unpack it.

Tiger yelled: "I eat!"

Gong Mo couldn't help smiling, and then thought that he shouldn't laugh because he killed so many people, he put his smile away, and said to Sheng Nanxuan, "Feed him medicine."

Huzi was very brave today and did not cry. Sheng Nanxuan praised him while feeding him. After the feeding, he was crying...

"There is candy!" Sheng Nanxuan hurriedly stuffed the lollipop into his mouth.

He sniffed, and while eating candy, he said to Gong Mo, "Mom... bitter..."

"I won't get sick anymore," Gong Mo comforted.

Huzi nodded hurriedly, gritted his teeth: "Beat the bad guy!"

It's all bad guys' fault! Otherwise he and his mother will not get sick!

Everyone was taken aback, looked at him, and said nothing.

Yu Qingliu continued to check on Gong Mo, and finally said: "If you lose another bottle in the afternoon, you can leave the hospital. After returning home, take a good rest, and come back if you have any problems."

Gong Mo nodded.

"Be careful not to catch a cold." Yu Qingliu gathered up his things and prepared to leave, and said to Huzi, "Bye to uncle?"

"Bye bye bye bye~" Hu Zi waved his hand, looking evasive, hoping that he would leave as soon as possible, so as not to threaten himself with hardship.

"Hehe... Uncle will come again." Yu Qingliu waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud.

Huzi immediately collapsed and turned to hug Gong Mo.

Sheng Nanxuan said to Gong Mo, "Then I go back now?"

Gong Mo nodded: "Hurry back."

"Yeah." Sheng Nanxuan kissed her, "What else is needed besides clothes?"

"Bring me a book and a few more toys for Huzi. He is in good spirits and can't sit still for a while."

Huzi had a few toys on hand, which were given by Yu Qingliu, not from home.

"Good." Sheng Nanxuan squeezed Huzi's cheek.

"I want a pony." Huzi said.

"Good." Sheng Nanxuan agreed.


The car stopped at the entrance of the Presidential Palace, and several agents came to open the door.

Sheng Nanxuan got off the car and walked inside. Ding Yuan greeted him, and the two said as they walked.

After a while, the two walked into the president's office. There were a dozen high-level agents standing in the office. Huo Cheng sat behind the desk with his face as gray.

Seeing Sheng Nanxuan, his eyes burst into cold light: "If you have the ability, kill me!"

"What's the point of dying too happily?" Sheng Nanxuan sneered, "Are you right?" (to be continued~^~)

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