Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 934: BOSS hope you don't leave the ward

Huo Cheng shook his body and fell into a chair.

If you don't listen, you will never let it go.

But if you listen, you might not let it go.

But how can he choose? Always leave the life to the son. If the son survives, there may be a chance to avenge him...

Huo Cheng thought of this and laughed in his heart.

Sheng Nanxuan! In the end, who is the winner may be!


Gong Mo got out of bed and walked around a few times, Huzi curiously followed her ass.

She carried him to the bed and pressed the pager on the bedside.

The nurse rushed over quickly: "Mrs. Sheng?"

Gong Mo looked at her: "I want to ask you something."

The nurse was taken aback and nodded.

"Where are the people who sent me with me?"

"...Huh?" The nurse looked blank.

Seeing her expression, Gong Mo immediately grasped the quilt, "Isn't there?" Is Sheng Nanxuan lying to her again? No one is saved at all?

"Yes." said the nurse. "They are in the intensive care unit. What's wrong?"

"I'll go see them!" Gong Mo immediately stood up.


"You help me watch the child, don't let him run around." Gong Mo turned on the TV and said to Huzi: "Mom, go out, don't you know if you stay in bed obediently?"

Huzi took her: "Where is Mom going?"

"Mom goes to get the smelly, and I will be back soon."

"There—" Huzi pointed to the bathroom in the ward.

Gong Mo stretched out his hand and waved in front of his nose: "I'm afraid that it will stink you."

Huzi pouted, reluctant to let her go: "Not afraid!" He was not afraid of smelly. Compared to smelly, I am more afraid of mother leaving.

Gong Mo thought for a while, "Then shall we go together?"

Huzi nodded happily, got up and threw on her: "Look for Dad!"

"...Okay." Gong Mo hugged him and walked to the door.

The nurse went to the front and opened the door. Gong Mo was not used to seeing bodyguards standing on both sides. But this will happen in the future, right?

She took a deep breath and walked out.

The bodyguard stopped her: "Madam, you...Where are you going?"

"Do I need to tell you?" Gong Mo was unhappy.

How dare they stop themselves? It must be Sheng Nanxuan's order! What does Sheng Nanxuan mean?

The bodyguard changed his face and said hurriedly: "The subordinate does not mean that. It's just that the boss is worried about your safety and hopes you don't leave the ward. If you have anything, you can leave it to us."

"I have to do this myself." Gong Mo looked serious and walked forward.

The two continued to stop her: "Madam, don't make us embarrassed! If Madam must go out, let us ask the BOSS first!"

"Okay." Gong Mo nodded, "You now ask him, I will wait here."


"My words don't work, are they?" Gong Mo sneered.

"Ma, right now." A bodyguard picked up his mobile phone and went to call Sheng Nanxuan.

Another bodyguard said: "Madam, it's cold outside, you should go back to your room first."

"There is central air-conditioning. It's the same inside and outside, it's not cold."


"Shut up!" Gong Mo said angrily, "I don't need you to control it yet!"

"...Yes." The bodyguard quickly lowered his head, never daring to say anything.

The nurse looked and became worried. If something happened to Gong Mo, would Sheng Nanxuan blame her?

She persuaded: "Mrs. Sheng, should we wait in the ward first? Although there is central air conditioning, there is wind in the corridor after all..."

Gong Mo was unmoved.

The bodyguard who called came back: "Madam, the boss said he will be here soon, please go to the ward to rest and don't catch cold." (to be continued~^~)

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