Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 935: Sheng Nanxuan red eyes

Gong Mo stood still. Sheng Nanxuan didn't want her to know the situation of those people at all. Maybe they were all dead, but they wanted to hide it from her! If she enters, he will definitely keep her inside, not let her out, let her know what happened outside!

She don't go in!

She stood there blankly, motionless.

The bodyguard was in a cold sweat: "Madam...you are like this, we can't deal with each other."

"Isn't he coming soon?" Gong Mo asked back, "I'll just wait."

"This..." The bodyguard hesitated, turned around and continued to call Sheng Nanxuan.

After a while, he gave the phone to Gong Mo: "Madam, the boss wants to talk to you!"

Gong Mo was silent for a moment, then handed Huzi to the nurse and took the phone.

"Gong Mo?" Sheng Nanxuan's voice came.

"I'm here."

"You go to the ward, don't catch a cold." He said eagerly.

"I'm fine." Gong Mo replied stubbornly.

"You listen to me!" Sheng Nanxuan roared.

Gong Mo was very angry and shouted, "What if I don't listen?!"

Sheng Nanxuan: "..."

Gong Mo hung up the phone and threw the phone at the bodyguard.

"Mom..." Huzi looked at her worried and scared.

She took a deep breath and said to the nurse: "Hold him in."

"Yes." The nurse walked in holding the tiger.

Huzi shouted: "Mom——"

"Mom is here." Gong Mo turned his back to him, his back straight, full of stubbornness. .

After a while, she felt cold and couldn't help shrinking her neck and hugging her arms.

The nurse picked up Sheng Nanxuan's coat and put it on her, and persuaded, "Mrs. Sheng, you should go to the house. You have already caught the cold, which is not good for your health."

The bodyguard also persuaded: "Yes, ma'am, just go in, your body is yours."

"Shut up," Gong Mo said coldly.

The three suffocated and dared not speak again.

Half an hour later, Sheng Nanxuan hurried over, and the driver followed him with a small wooden horse and a large bag of things. He walked too fast, and the driver had started trotting.

When Sheng Nanxuan saw Gong Mo shrunk into a ball from a distance, he knew she was cold.

After walking over, he saw that she was wearing only a hospital gown under her coat, and his limbs trembled with anger.

He hugged her and kicked towards the bodyguard at the door.

With a bang, the bodyguard flew out. The other shuddered and hurriedly lowered his head, waiting for him to kick himself.

Gong Mo exclaimed: "What are you doing?"

"Trash!" Sheng Nanxuan flushed anxiously, scolded the bodyguard, picked up Gong Mo and returned to the ward.

"You let me down!" Gong Mo shouted, "I want to go out!"

"You shut up!" Sheng Nanxuan shouted.

Gong Mo was taken aback, shivering in his arms.

Standing on the bed, Huzi was also scared to hide behind the nurse, crying quietly.

The nurse was too scared, stiff and completely at a loss.

Sheng Nanxuan put Gong Mo on the bed, pulled the coat behind her back to the ground, then wrapped her in the quilt tightly, and asked angrily, "Are you going to die in a hurry? If you have a long and short life, I will regret it forever No?!"

Gong Mo looked at him, angry and puzzled: "I just want to see the injured people? How can you regret it forever?"

"They don't need you to watch!" Sheng Nanxuan shouted, "Do you know them? Why don't you take good care of yourself? Do you know how serious your body is now? You deliberately tortured me!" (to be continued~^~)

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