Divine Brilliance

: 1133 6 gods

"This kind of swordsmanship, clearly only one step can be seen God! That is the ultimate magical power, afraid that only half a step away, you can be promoted to the thirteenth, etc."

On the wall of Miyagi on the west side of the Afang Palace, Zhong Xuan also took a cold breath.

"With the Buddha's willingness, gather the holy place to be golden? You and I really looked down on him."

On his side, it is Xu Fu. The real body can't leave the main hall, so it is the separation of the mind. Fiction chapter

The first person to the world six thousand years ago, the Pirates of the Dark Lord appeared. Make the battle of the Temple of Heaven, steep and variable.

Even Xu Fu can't help but worry about it. Distract from the busy schedule and watch this battle.

But at the moment, it is not a word, it seems to be thinking about something.

Zhong Xuan is immersed in the road: "The same is the strength of the Holy Order, the display of unlimited power, this has the power to counterbalance. This battle, the outcome is unpredictable. I do not know the teacher, how to deal with it?"

Although it is not very reluctant, at this time, it is best to help you to be the king of the heavens.

Fiction chapter

The madman who steals the mysterious master, if you let it succeed today, it will not benefit anyone.

If this is the case, what should they do if they want to continue to seek the twelve bronzes?

To usurp the town's bronze people, we need to have a certain dragon. Ordinary monks can only hope to sigh.

However, for theft, this is not a difficult thing.

A lawless guy, and then master the twelve towns of the bronze people. The whole cloud world is afraid that it will be turned upside down.

The best result of nature is that both sides lose both sides. However, the degree of this is extremely difficult to grasp.

Xu Fu shook his head in an arbitrary way: "Not right! This Tiantan war has been finalized. You don't have to hesitate any more. It is a pity to go directly to prepare the spare means."

The heavy Xuan suddenly stunned, and did not understand: "I see that the war is evenly matched, even the infinite magical powers, at the level, is better than the thieves?"

Zong Shou, the sword of the vast expanse, he saw it with his own eyes. Almost will be the whole world. Both are split and stripped.

Strong as stealing. It is also impossible to straighten out its front!

"There is no flaw in the ultimate magical power, and there is a flaw in his Buddha's body."

Xu Fu's explanation is indifferent. His eyes are deep and deep: "What do you think is the sneak peek? Even if it is a little flaw, it will make you eternal and abyss. At the same time, the 12th and the other gods will be destroyed. Although Zong Shou is unparalleled in talent, he has created such a supernatural power. On the day of the practice, how many years have it been in total? Even if it has the same power, it is not an enemy of theft. The two are not the winners and losers. It is how long he can support, and he will be defeated. In my opinion, it is not up to the maximum!"

"Best interest?"

The heavy mystery is only incredible, the kind of Jianwei, the kind of momentum. In front of the thief. How can you not even hold the rest?

However, since Xu Fu said so, naturally it makes sense.

Looking at it over and over again, Zhong Xuan also lost interest.

"The gap between the two sides is too big and irreparable. So the teacher's intention is to risk the crime of stealing theft and to help. It is better to find another good strategy to replace the role of the altar?"

It was discovered at the moment he spoke. At this moment, there are more than a dozen holy places in the battlefield of the Temple of Heaven. They have all been drawn back.

Obviously these people's judgments are the same as Xu Fu. I don't think there is a possibility of defeating there.

At this time, I don’t want to continue watching. But after worrying about the thieves win, notice them.

This person is very temperament, once he is eyeing, the result is mostly fierce.

He Xuan can not help but swear, the time he entered the holy world, after all, is still shallow.

His own experience and eyesight are still inferior to those of the saints who have been in the past.

"The blind can teach!"

That Xu Fu was laughing bitterly: "This is also a helpless policy. It is a last resort. Unfortunately, this great monarch, the Lord of the World. Today, the Confucianism and the two religions are afraid to breathe a sigh of relief. I am still curious. ”

With a tone of voice, Xu Fu’s eyes flashed brightly: “What is it that leads to Li Bixue, who will release the sinister lord, but also kill it in the tomb of Qin Huang?”


Where the sword is hit, the arm of the thief is turned into a broken flesh and blood, and then the gas is destroyed.

The thief itself seems to be careless. The figure floated on the Temple of Heaven like a fish, and even Zong Shou could no longer successfully lock the air.

And the continuous, bursting five-color light, Dao Xuan is completely ignored, only to resist the ancient tortoise shell.

Occasionally two or three dawns have penetrated into the near future, and there is nothing to hinder him.

Between the movements, you can intercept and open.

Only when Lin Xuanzhao holds the **** knife, once again crosses the road from a distance. Pirates will pay attention to it. After all, it is half a step to the ground. Even in this Qin Emperor's tomb, the strength was suppressed by at least 50%, making the gap between the two even greater.

However, after holding the soldiers, it has already hurt him. There is no need to worry, and a force is captured by his thieves.

After a few more retreats, until the death of the gas near the Temple of Heaven, once again gathered in front of a few pale bones. The body shape of the stolen Xuan stopped.

The bone hand and the **** moon knife fight, only for a moment, they are broken by the knife light, and they are broken into chaos.

At this time, the thief was pointing out another bullet, and it was on the **** knife.

The Pelican magnet that was stolen from the ground suddenly hit the blade, even if it was as strong as Lin Xuanzang. It was not because of this giant force that forced Kay back.

The newly formed skeletal muscles of the arms are distorted and collapsed, which seems to be unable to support the forces of this level.

At this time, the opposite Zongshou is another sword. Without the momentum of the first sword, it is obviously more powerful.

Still black and white, visible on the sword. However, the power is confined and the strength is one. This sword is out, although there are still nearly 10,000 corpses around the Temple of Heaven, it is wiped out by this sword. However, there has never been a previous scene in which the whole world was separated.

However, Jianwei is still the same, it seems to make everything in this world bow down!

It is doubtful that this sword is actually the manifestation of ‘dao’!

Pirates and eyebrows, not shocked and rejoicing: "Good swordsmanship! The supernatural powers of the top, this is interesting! If it was 6,000 years ago, maybe I will retire directly from the sneak peek, not fighting with you! Even if it wins, it will cost Some time. It’s too much trouble. But after six thousand years”

When it comes to this, the thief Xuan smiled: "The sword is wonderful. It's a pity that you are a golden body. But it is not flawless. Is it the first time you can control it?"

One more hand, grab the past and face it. The unarmed and empty fists and the sacred swords of the sword, actually did not fear, did not fall.

It's easy to use, and it's not damaged for several times. At the time, the thief had another hand, and at this time he also completed the resurrection.

As good as ever. It seems that I have never been hurt.

After a short period of interest, it was the opposite of the sect, and the atmosphere gradually became heavy.

Between the stealing and the mysterious wave, the **** knife that slammed the attack was once again repelled. The figure will no longer retreat, but the front marching!

A boxing out, and the front of the sword that shows the refining sword!

The explosion of the moment. Ten miles from the entire Temple of Heaven began to collapse.

All the zombies in this area are all crushed under this irresistible pressure.

Fortunately, the material of the altar was strong, and it was a fairy-class altar. There was no damage.

And those corpses will, after feeling wrong, also evacuate a large number of corpses.

This did not cause large areas of damage.

It’s just around the Temple of Heaven, it’s also a mess.

"Zong Shou!"

Lin Xuanzang's eyes. Also showed a bit of focus. Although she is in the game. But it is more clear than others.

Also more clearly aware of the mystery at this time. What kind of power is it.

It’s not Zong Shou. If you show this Buddha’s golden body, you can fight against it.

"You are not his opponent, still not retreating? Here is my break!"

At this time, only one person can escape. The rest are cumbersome.

The same is true of including herself.

If you are desperate to escape, or if there is still some life. However, Lin Xuan's life and death, but obviously not as important as the sect of the Cangsheng and the Dangerous.

At this time, my mind has been fixed. Even if the five people here are all here, they must cover Zong Shou and leave.

On the blood cloud knife, the infinite amount of gray arc flashes instantly, and the pale breath is also hidden.

Half of the ‘borrowing’ word gods are also borrowing the dead air that permeates here.

Dead body into the body of the living, will only be derogated from the life. The more intense it is. The greater the number, the greater the power consumption of the raw yuan.

And Lin Xuanzhen is also prepared to pay no price at this moment! Use all the power you can use

When the knife is broken, not only can the power increase several times. The transformation of the power of chaos is also a wide range of amplification.

And that stealing Xuan is Sen Ran sneer, and the second punch is slammed again.

With a bang, Lin Xuan’s **** knife was removed, and the human knife was separated. A pair of squat arms, the inch is broken!

The code is still in place, not to hear Lin Xuan’s words, but rather not to listen to them.

No matter whether it’s the Sword Emperor’s talk about autumn or his sacred life, he can’t do anything to abandon his companions and flee alone.

I can't do it before, and it's the same now!

Calm and sturdy, the sword of the sect, greeted the third boxing of the thief.

Swordsman fights, the ground around 20 miles, collapsed again!

Zong Shou only felt that his body was almost turned into blood. It is supported by its own real form of law, but it has produced a sense of incomparable weakness.

I know that this is the Buddha power that I have gathered, and I have been stolen by the sinister lord. I used it for www.wuxiaspot.com~ instead.

Go on, the Pirates will only get stronger and stronger, and they will get weaker and weaker.

"In fact, what your uncle said, there is no reason!"

The thief Xuan Xuan unscrupulously laughed: "At this time, flee, or a little life!"

The fourth boxing to, but blocked all the corners in this airspace.

Zong Shou is at this moment, his heart is stirring. I finally waited! The sword that is in the sacred figure of Taishang is finally completed!

His left hand flipped inside the sleeve, and once the silver flashed.

Time, increase speed!

Space, folding!

Causal, upside down!

Destiny, lock!

Six gods immortal (to be continued...)

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