Divine Brilliance

: 1134 Winning the desperate

Everything changes are done in an instant. Then the silver light has slipped out of Zongshou’s sleeves.

At the moment, it is just a sneak peek of a boxing tyrant, and it is also inexplicable.

It is obvious that only one punch can kill this squad. At this time, I don’t know why, but it raises a sense of panic--

It is clearly a whim, the **** of the gods!

Without stealing, Xuan Xuan obeyed his body's instinct and flew backwards.

The figure is flashing and constantly shifting the position. His martial arts, even in the midst of half-step, is definitely one of the top people!

So 6,000 years ago, all the people in the cloud world, even if they hated him, they couldn’t help.

But at this moment, I always feel that there is a hint of incomprehensibleness. The lock in the lock is entangled in his **** and cannot be dispelled.

It’s strange to steal Xuan’s chest. What is going on? In front of this shou, what kind of ability is there, so that he feels dangerous, is it his own illusion? Or is it the next Su Xiaoxiao, who has disturbed his own thoughts?

Then in the next moment, Pirates saw the silver-white knives that flew away. Sliding out suddenly, then flashed.

"Six gods, 斩!"

There is no glorious brilliance, and there are no swords before the sect, which almost suppresses the power of all the monks in the world.

However, when it appeared, it attracted everyone's attention. In fact, a few people in the first snow can not see, only a few senses in the mind.

However, the wonderful arc of the world has made everything in front of the world eclipsed!

Pirates Xuan also immediately slammed his pupils, and a sorrow, like a wild deer who had been leisurely swimming, suddenly saw the beast that was close at hand, ready to hunt, horrified and unbelievable.

The body accelerates and continues to slide backwards. Both hands danced in front of the body. It seems that there is no rule. In fact, it is doing its best, trying to block the trajectory of the knife before the knife.

However, cause and effect, inversion - first fruit, then the previous cause!

Destiny, fixed locks - although far less than a long time ago, almost a knife killed the soul of Xu Fu's soul. However, it also locked in part of the fate, and ordered the pirate master, must be smashed by this knife!

time. Acceleration - unbridled with the book blessing, a hundred times of time to accelerate, so that the speed of the flying knife, also surged a hundred times!

Space, folding - one hundred and eighty stars, the dragon, in the constant folding space. Shorten the gap between the human knives.

The six-god swordsmanship made the thin, flap-like knives, constantly changing, even more flexible than the sword, and did not reduce the strength of the knife. No matter how the shadow of the stolen Xuan moves, it can still be like the bones of the bones.

In just one third of a thousand minutes, the knife light has been smashed to the front of the thief.

First, the ancient tortoise shell, without any signs of fragmentation. Then the shackles of the body of the scorpion were also forcibly torn open.

A large piece of blood burst open, stealing the chest of Xuan Xuan, was suddenly the silver knife, the hole pierced a huge hollow!

What is more deadly is that the knives of the knives have also crashed into each other, and they have begun to smash the mystery, all the vitality!

This moment, inside and outside the Temple of Heaven. Almost everyone is stunned.

The first snow and the original did not hurt a few. They are all slightly open and can't be closed at all.

It was still under the oppression of theft. It’s hard to breathe, and Zong Shou’s distance is falling, it seems to be only one step away.

And a few of them have already held their own deaths.

However, in a blink of an eye, theft of Xuan Xuan fell to such awkward position. Not only has it been hit hard by the flying knife, but the vitality of the whole person is rushing.

"Six gods 斩 knives?"

Lin Xuanzang looked at Zong Shou's left hand, and she was watching it with her own eyes. The silver knife light slipped out of Zongshou's left hand.

This knife is actually a supernatural power that is close to the thirteenth level.

And the defense is unavoidable, and it is inevitable. At the source level, or not as good as the ultimate magic, but it is more difficult to resist, it is more difficult to prevent!

After a long while, I returned to God. Lin Xuanyuan reached out and took the **** knife back to his hand.

However, it is still unable to settle, and the mind is repeatedly and repeatedly, all of which are unremarkable, but there seems to be an arc of heaven and earth.

And just after the moment, the dozens of sacred gods that have been retiring, but like the tide, once again rushed to spread.

Full of unbelievable thoughts, the reason for the discovery of the sect to turn defeat into victory is already over. The moment when Zong Shouqi’s knives came out, almost no one could see, only to see the end of the sin, the serious injury and retreat -

And hundreds of miles away from the west, the Mingri Xuan lays up at this time.

He was the only person who still had hopes for Zong Shou at that time, and the only one. From the beginning to the end, he observed the whole process of Zong Shou’s display of the singer.

But at the moment, Ming Ri Xuan is blind.

Is that a knife? Not already used up? Why?

In the hands of Zong Shou, the power of this knife is not under his tomorrow! No, it is far better than it is!

But how is this possible? What kind of jokes are you open?

Zong Shou's Royal Knife, although he has a variety of messy magical powers. However, his illustrious accomplishments in the fate of the gods have reached the peak of the peak!

What is it that the masters of the half-barrel water can be compared?

This half-step cultivation is even far behind.

The same knife, why is it in the hands of Zongshou, but far stronger than him?

The mouth of Mingri Xuan is bitter and faint, and he may have missed an amazing treasure.

This transaction, I am afraid that it is a miserable!


Above the Temple of Heaven, Pirates is even more surprised and horrified to the extreme.

How can there be such a sharp flying knife in this world? It’s almost impossible to think, and it’s incredible!

But time has not allowed him to worry, to think.

After the knife light, Zong Shou's refining sword is also closely followed by it!

Half is black, half is white, and the strange position is mixed. Constantly tearing the void, but also cutting the world.


It seems to be able to shatter the sword of this small world. At this moment, with the sound of whistling, he stabbed him.

Pirates of Xuan is an inexplicable anger, and only a panic.

It’s never been so embarrassing, even if it’s been deceived by the Supreme Yuanmo and the World’s King, it’s not like this!

The scent of the scented knives was broken when it broke into the body. It turned into a white air and penetrated into his limbs.

Not only interferes with the circulation of the air in his body, but also destroys everything that can be touched by these knives.

So at this moment, it is clear that there is still a sea-like force in the body, and still master the peerless magical power, but it is impossible to call.

In the past, the skill of being comfortable and self-sufficient, it is also a difficult task!

This sword, he can't hide. Can only be hard-wired -

This idea was only flashed in my mind, and Lin Xuan’s **** knife also followed. Next to Shen Yuexuan, eight silver cylinders appeared, playing thousands of five-color lights.

In the past, most of the thieves will not care, but at this moment, it may be a straw after crushing the camel!

The thief’s 嘿 嘿 的 哂 哂 哂 哂 哂 哂 哂 哂

Thought it would take him to steal his life? Really delusional!

Between the millennium and the hair, the thief went to his own mouth and threw a Dan Wan.

After the bite, the **** Dan liquid swallowed into the throat.

The whole person who had stolen Xuan suddenly recovered his vitality and recovered his vitality.

The figure moved and moved, and it seemed to be elegant and pleasing.

Intentionally or unintentionally, taxiing in the direction of Su Xiao. However, at the moment of passing, I once again grabbed the small throat of Su.

There is a smile on the surface, and this girl is mostly a woman of Zong Shou. Whether it’s to grab it or take it away, it’s good.

At that moment, Zong Shou’s knife really hurt him, and he was so painful.

Therefore, he must have this shoud, and he does not want to live! No longer put the woman of the opponent under the humiliation, and the other party is helpless and more enjoyable!

However, seeing Jian Shou's Jianguang, suddenly a change, seems to have already expected the general, a slanting squat, just happened to appear on the side of Su Xiaoxiao.

Suddenly the blood flashed, and the left arm of the mystery was stolen again.

At this time, the Pirates were not afraid of anger, but laughed again. Zong Shou’s sword, although cutting his arm, is tantamount to completely losing his threat to him.

Pirates Xuan only bends a finger, so that the blood red knife is in the air. After all, he was seriously injured at this time, and there was no power to fly Lin Xuanqi with his knife.

However, Lin Xuanzhen was forced to do nothing, but he had no choice but to change his strength.

Theft of Xuan Xuan itself is when the people have not yet reacted, and the speed is not overwhelming, and they have walked to the side without injury.

With a big hand and a slap in the face, you can take the original neck without a wound and hold it in your hand.

At this time, although the body was scarred, his expression has recovered.

"A good technique of flying knives~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s really wonderful! It’s wonderful! I’ve been stalking the world for three thousand years, and I’ve never had such a big loss. I’m seriously injured, you’re the guardian. It is the first person. It is also the first one, making me feel scared!"

The thief smiled faintly and looked at the presence of a few people, and finally his eyes settled on Zong Shou.

"I don't know the life of this kid, is the value of geometry in your eyes?"

Forced to pinch, so that the original bones are not broken,

However, the thief seems to know that the original life is harmless, and it is impossible to ask too much.

"Today's battle, let's stop! This seat promises that within three months, you will not find you any more trouble. How can you stop doing this?"

Zong Shouwen said that he was laughing, this is to prepare for the original life without injury, to compromise yourself?

It can't be done!

At this time, there is a flame in the chest to ablate the heart. In particular, I saw the sneak peek, and the moment of Su Xiaoxiao’s shot, it’s even more endless suffocation.

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