Divine Brilliance

Chapter 890: Arrest

Zong Shou was at a loss, and he was allowed to take the idea and completely take over the yin and yang that reversed the big array of the yin and yang. []

"It's not going to be a frosty person, is it really shy?"

After the resurrection, his nominal master, it will certainly be naked.

If he continues to control the big array, then Xuan Shuang will be well aware of every drop of his body.

Passing through this weird thought in my mind, Zong Shou is also happy.

In control of this large array of eight hundred miles, for him, this is a bit reluctant, and nothing is done.

Before the whole **** was infused, I was not aware of it. At this time, someone took over, and immediately a deep exhaustion, the tide came.

Zong Shouqiang took the spiritual support and took out a blue Dan Wan swallowing entrance.

After a while, the nearly withered gods were restored and restored a little.

It was only in his heart that he felt a little relaxed and changed his face.

I saw that in the air, there are countless black clouds, suddenly rushing.

In a flash, it filled the entire sky.

As the thunder flashed, there were countless raindrops, and the fluttering flutter fell.

At the beginning, the sect did not care, but when the rain fell on him. But directly in the body of the body to suffocate, directly through the hole.

Hit on his body, it is a flesh and blood, and the spirit is shocked.

"This rain is robbery!"

Zong Shou's face was white. [WWw.YZUU point m]

The raindrops are clearly defined as the power of the law of reversal.

Directly from the roots of the avenue, directly urging him to be fundamental.

Every drop is every bit, and it contains the power of shock and torture.

It was not caused by the illusion, but by the overbearing, forcing him to the depths of his soul. Make the flaws in the soul appear spontaneously.

This robbery did not know how much it was better than the red flame god, and that raindrop was laid. Just push Zong Shou to the situation where you have to go all out.

Even this yin and yang reversal of the remaining half of the squad, is also unable to scruples.

"I said that I can wait for the repairers to rob the number, but it can be hidden in this world. Everything is in everything. It is as big as the universe, as small as dust, wind and thunder, and even one by one, all can be robbed. This is true. I--"

This rain is light and fluttering, like a filament, as if the wind is blowing, it can be dispersed.

But who can think of it is in it. Hidden so powerful?

Every drop of rain can be almost equivalent to the magical method of the gods.

Zong Shou is also subconscious, looking around.

But I saw that the net sound was squinting, and the look was slightly painful. It is not as good as him, and the spirit of the gods is shocked by the hijacking of this rain.

The same is true of Lu Wu. Sitting cross-legged in the rain, his face is not very good-looking, but his expression is quite indifferent. It seems to be able to cope with the past.

The rest of the heads guarded the soul, and at this moment it was tightening the body and shivering in the rain. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

However, it seems that it is also safe and sound.

And like that and the blue fire turtle, one more is unconscious, one is to shrink the limbs into the turtle shell, fearless.

"Yes, this is the robbery in the rain. When it is different from person to person, it is strong when it is strong. It is weak when it is weak."

Like the pure sound, only the shallow repair. The encroachment encountered is naturally minimal.

And the cockroaches are born different, the heavens and the earth mourn the birth, in the heavens and the earth, this robbery is not penalized.

Zong Shou’s heart is a loose first. Beside these guards and net sounds, there is no disease, nothing happens. He can settle down and cope with this sudden, inexplicable thunder.

Immediately, I felt that it was wrong, and Zong Shou was shocked.

That's all. Then -

Turned his head and looked at the opposite side, that Yang fisheye.

The robbery on his side has already been ruthless. So how is that over there?

But I saw a whirlwind, blowing from the opposite side of the 400 miles.

Then it expanded the area of ​​a thousand miles in a dozen breaths.

More and more, the fine rain, also turned into a heavy rain.

Was blown by the wind and hit the center.

Between the sects and the minds, there was a clear realization.

"It turned out that this catastrophe was caused by Xuan Shuang--"

But it was a sinking heart, and it was deep in the bottom of the valley.

The blood on the face is even more instantly faded.

"It’s the looting of the world! Bitter--"

I have already understood it in an instant. This Lin Xuan-shuang, from the beginning to the end, has not really fallen.

Hide the remaining souls in the roots of the world. I hid this rain and stayed with it.

After thousands of years of time, he came in with a slap in the face. Trying to "resurrect" it -

Although it was the success that made Lin Xuan-shuang reshape his body, but by the way, this lurking force, which was lurking here, could not be provoked.

There is a bit of hardship in Zongshou’s mouth. What is this? Is cleverness wrong?

As long as I knew this, I shouldn’t have to go to the nine prisons.

"It goes like this, it will die -"

When the robbery was not scattered, he intervened, and he was afraid that he had been robbed by this heaven and earth and listed as a must-have.

This is a stalemate. If the two people in this yin and yang eyes are in the past, it will be better.

If you can't, no one can hold it. Then the soul of Lin Xuan-shuang’s remnant, and then dare to hide back.

He is a master, but he has to be destroyed!

Although he is confident in this robbery, he can still cope with it.

In the WWII world, with the help of the Red Flame God. Zong Shou made his body almost ten times better.

The intensity is called metamorphosis even in the immortal.

The most worried, but the opposite.

Lin Xuan-shuang over there, even failed to restore his body and soul.

It seems to confirm what he thinks, only to see the few drops of liquid in front of him, in an instant, it has been exhausted.

Obviously, the support is extremely hard.

A large number of real life machines need to be extracted to counter this robbery.


Zong Shou cursed, and the last two drops were revived and popped up together.

The heart is very painful. Originally, these two drops, he is ready to collect.

However, if it is not used at the moment, I am afraid that I will die here immediately.

But just these two drops are not enough.

Together with the thoughts, Zong Shou smashed all the celestial crystals in his pocket, www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Put the inner psionic power into the eye,

Then the two eyes are lost. When they are used up, what else does he have?

Another thing was saved, and the right hand was a move. Zong Shou took out almost all of the Tianyuan creations.

Without hesitation, it was crushed together. Let the big array, get involved and **** away.

At the same time, a light and shadow suddenly flew out of the sleeve and inserted in the eyes of the yin.

The blade is also madly absorbing the psionic power of this world, and is mad at the thin, introduced into the array.

Until then, I felt the opposite air machine and regained its strength.

God began to unfold, and confronted the power of the day, without falling. . RQ

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