Divine Brilliance

Chapter 891: 玄霜师尊

I saw a trace of purple brilliance, rushing to the heavens and the earth, facing the storm. []

The entire sky is full of bangs. This violent power has also begun to spread to every corner of this world.

It can be seen that the sky is collapsing not far away, and the land that has already collapsed is cracking and disintegrating into more fragments.

Zong Shou only felt that his breathing was fast, and he looked at everything in front of him.

"If this day robbery continues, this world, maybe it will last for seven days, it will be completely destroyed. And my master, although it is gradually stronger, it is still not perfect."

After a little meditation, Zong Shou took out the other three pieces of Xianbao that he had grabbed before.

It is a rope and a shield, and there is a purple gold hammer. Zong Shou does not care about Lin Xuan, but it is not necessary. With these three pieces of Xianbao, together with various instruments, all of them were thrown away in the direction of the Yang’s eyes.

After doing this, he has no spare capacity, but he has to take care of the opposite situation.

At this time, it was just a strange look. I saw this unnamed sword in front of me.

He didn’t even think about it, he used the nameless sword to help him. The sword was completely spontaneous, flying out of his sleeves to join in the excitement.

And at the moment, it is also good for life.

The micro-feeling shook his head strangely, and Zong Shou took all the minds and resisted the robbery in these raindrops.

At the beginning, it was extremely difficult, and when Zong Shouqiang began to adapt, in the body, began to attack and defend with this robbery. Trying to drive the robbery away and start the transition between the offense and defense.

On the day of the robbery, the group began to strengthen.

This is the case several times. Order Zong Shou left and right, and he was tired of coping. Dedicated to the promotion of the law of the gods and the gas sea Jindan, struggling to resist.

However, there were still a few times, and I was almost taken into the basic source of his Tao by the robbery.

"Bitter, don't know when to stay? How long will it take to stop?"

as time flows. Zong Shou only feels his own thoughts, and he is getting tired.

I couldn’t help it a few times, and I wanted to sacrifice the illusion. With the power of the fairy, to fight against this strong robbery.

But he endured it several times and only planted the seventy-nine stars. [] and the set of ten sacred martial arts martial arts rituals in the body.

When it's critical, it can be cited as a boost, not to be caught off guard.

With the help of foreign objects to cross the sky, this is his first unprecedented, for the first time.

It’s just this rain, it’s overbearing and tyrannical beyond his ability.

I can only make fun of it, but I can’t help thinking about it.

If this robbery can survive safely, the recent transition from the fairyland to the fairyland, slightly turbulent and turbulent, should be able to be completely stabilized.

This robbery. In fact, he can also learn from the power of the robbery, the rebellious law, and realize the world of heaven and earth.

It can also be used to forge the soul, even if it is the day, it is also facing the time of looting. This robbery today. It can also be regarded as an early experience.

There are countless benefits, but there is a premise that he can live safely until the end of the day.

This is equivalent to taking the life to fight.

Helplessly sighed, Zong Shou gradually became more and more mindful, as if he was caught in a deep sleep, forgetting me.

But that's true. The soul knows that they are half-disciplined in the body, and they are confronted with those of the robbery, and the offense and defense are converted.

Immersed in the realm of heaven and human beings, I feel that even if he is on the same day, the income is far from being comparable to today.

I don't know how long it took, just as Zong Shou thought, this rainstorm will be endless and will not stop.

One is more than a hundred times stronger than the thunder, and suddenly it sounds in his ear. Almost his eardrum was completely shattered.

Zhang looked and saw a vast purple light, rushing into the sky.

Let the thunder cloud completely tear!

It’s a torrential rain, and it’s a rush.

Zong Shou suddenly liked it, and the obvious feeling, the rain fell on him, not as good as before, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

The hijacking contained in the inside has also weakened at least 30%!

It made him feel exhausted and suddenly relaxed.

It is easy to suppress the power of the rebellious law and drive it out of the body.

Only at this time, his body is a mess. [] The nine rounds of the veins are scattered, and all the muscles and muscles of the muscles are also damaged.

Except for the skeleton is complete, there is no good meat in the rest.

The seven sputum is overflowing, the shape is fierce, and the wolf is very incomparable.

In his life, if he is sinister, there is no such thing as this time.

Unprecedented weakness, I feel this moment, even if the three-year-old child is stabbing, he is unable to resist.

Taking out a panacea from the kit, a brain swallowed into the mouth. With the help of medicine, recover the injury and comb the veins.

Just hanging on the vitality of his body, Zong Shou can't wait, and then carefully look at the opposite side of the line,

Not looking at Lin Xuanshuang, whether it is a successful resurrection. It seems that the power of robbery, whether it dissipates, or whether its own life can be saved.

The robbery of heaven and earth is often divided into several waves. After a wave of dispersal, another wave will hit.

If the robbery in this rain is only the first wave -

Zong Shouzhen couldn’t imagine how he would go back next time.

Gray fly smoke? Soul flying?

Even if he is using a magic mirror, I am afraid that he will not survive.

Even if you can get past, the opposite person may not be able to hold it -

At this time, the two have been locked together, and they are grasshoppers tied in a line.

One is dead, the other is going to be miserable.

Holding his breath, Zong Shou seems to wait for the verdict, looking at the sky.

The good news is that after the dark clouds are torn apart by the purple light, they can no longer be recovered.

When the clouds are open, the rain is scattered, and when it comes to the sudden, it is also sudden.

The moment before, it was still raining. The next moment, it disappeared completely.

There are no new robberies around this perimeter. It seems that it has been spent safely.

"This is the robbery of the situation. This is the first time I have seen it. I can see it myself. It is fortunate!"

There was no sound in the land, and it sounded like a sigh.

At this time, this person has already stood up. The face is still pale as paper, obviously it has consumed a lot of energy before.

At this time, with an incredible look, look at the place where the Xuan Shuang real person.

"It’s just the aftermath of the robbery that makes this new world of thousands collapse. No wonder. These long-lived supreme, before the arrival of the world, will look around the world without people. It is not the result of vitality. It is also difficult to live. Providing them with the need for a robbery. Seeing the situation of Xuan Shuang real people, I don’t know her. It’s just repairing the body. Or has it completely crossed the number and achieved the sacred sage of the world-”

Zong Shou heard the words, but his lips were slightly stunned, and he was lucky to be a ghost.

This land is disease-free, I am afraid that it is dangerous to be ignorant, and he is just like him.

However, for the last few sentences, Zong Shou is also curious.

Flying up, Zong Shou a flash, and went to the array of the Yang array.

Here is still a force to screen, Zong Shou can not enter. I can’t see the inner situation either.

But when he was here, he waited for a moment. This tyrannical force gradually dissipated.

Gradually a vague figure is now in front of his eyes.

"It is!"

Just looking at the person standing in the eye, Zong Shou is known. Today, at least he has made Xuan Shuang real person and reshaped his body.

Then I feel that it is wrong, the people inside. The head is also too short.

Not only is it short, but it is extremely thin.

No, it is not so thin. It is better to say that the opposite is simply a little girl -

When that power is completely dispersed. The smog that permeated here disappeared.

I saw a girl with a very beautiful face, and she was in the eyes of the fish.

The five senses are the most exquisite craftsmen of the craftsmanship, carved out in one hand. The silhouette is beautiful, just right, almost perfect.

The skin is as white as fine porcelain, smooth and silky.

The focus is on the age of the girl. It seems to be only about twelve years old. It looks younger than the teacher.

At this time, I opened my eyes and looked at it with a sigh.


When the pupil is gradually focused, he pays attention to Zong Shou. The girl frowned slightly, and immediately turned her gaze into the distance, the unnamed sword.

A look of glimpse, immediately revealed the color of disappointment.

After that, I saw the silk thread, and I saw Zong Shou, and he took care of the next spirit, and the net sound and the land was sick.

In the end, I re-bet bet on Zongshou.

"Who are you? But I am a younger disciple?"

Zong Shouzhong is still thinking about the appearance of this mysterious frost, thinking that it will not be the blood of the palm lion?

Looks like, how is it really like a child?

I remember that when Xuan Shuang was a real person, there were already more than three thousand years of Shouyuan.

This situation is either very early due to the power of the blood, or when it is self-resident.

Immediately think of Xuan Shuang real people, it seems to be the wife of the scorpion?

Legend has it that Xuan Shuang’s three-three sisters have a special liking for the scorpion. However, the scorpion master, but chose this one.

In other words, the scorpion master, this taste seems to be somewhat different from ordinary people.

Also pity for yourself, your own master, is this a small point?

I don't know this one. I didn't go through the last step.

In my heart, I turned to these mixed thoughts, but the Zongshou face was awe.

As if the Taoist gentleman ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ look solemn, eyes tilted into a gift.

"Disciple Zong Shou, see the Xuan Shuang Master!"

"Disciple, Master?"

Lin Xuanhuang seems to be equally stunned. After a long while, he will return to God.

However, it was cold and staring at Zong Shou. I always felt that this person who claimed to be her disciple was thinking about some bad things.

"I remember that before the mourning home, I could have confiscated some disciples. His official disciple is only six."

The code of the code is calm and calm, and a faint explanation: "About ten years ago, the disciple was sent by Wei Xu to the sacred door. The brothers and his masters received the apprentices, and the disciples were introduced under the teacher's door. It was a second generation rumor--"

Lin Xuan-shuang was so stunned, and then frowned, thoughtful. RQ

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