Divine Child System

Chapter 1359: You are all old stubborn

"Do you dare to commit the crime? It's so bold, come here, get me this rebellious son!"

Li Rufeng shouted angrily.

The Li family has been passed down to this day, and it still stands tall, relying on the unity and unity of the family.

Therefore, throughout the history of the Li family, there has been almost never appeared, like Li Qiufeng, people who dared to commit crimes and kill the clan uncle appeared.

Now Li Qiufeng is out of nowhere, but he dared to commit the crime, as an offshoot of his family, with the intention of murdering his uncle. This is undoubtedly a taboo in the Li family.

Faced with Li Rufeng's rant, Li Qiufeng smiled steadily.

"Uncle Clan, do you really think of yourself as the No. 2 person in the Li family? As everyone knows, in the eyes of our younger generations, you and Li Rulong are nothing more than stubborn stubbornness blocking our future!"

Li Qiufeng's words plunged into Li Rufeng's heart like a sharp blade, piercing his heart with many holes.

"You nonsense!"

Li Rufeng gritted his teeth and said, although he looked as calm as ever, anyone could see that he was really hurt by Li Qiufeng's words.

As a person who has worked hard and made great contributions to the Li family, now he is actually caught by a younger generation who points to his nose and says that he is an old stubborn who is blocking their future. What makes him feel so embarrassed!

"Why? Don't believe it?"

Li Qiufeng laughed upon hearing this.

The next moment, he gave a light high-five.

There was a high-five, and a demon's subordinate behind him flicked his finger and fired a flare.

The signal flares, like fireworks, exploded in the air.

Suddenly, intensive footsteps gradually sounded, from far to near.

After a while, a large number of Li family children appeared in front of Li Rufeng with expressionless faces.

"I have seen Young Master!"

The voices of the Li's children rang loudly and bowed to Li Qiufeng.

"What a courage! You, a collateral child, dare to pretend to be Young Master?"

Seeing this, Li Rufeng suddenly woke up from the state of loss and became furious.

Now, it seems that this Li Qiufeng is no longer just committing the following crimes, but ill-intentioned, with bad intentions!

"Uncle Clan, calm down! As early as many years ago, I said that if the Li family wants to achieve greater glory, it must break the rules left by the ancestors. Time has changed. Those rules are no longer suitable for this era. Up!"

"I, Li Qiufeng, are very grateful to the brothers and sisters in the clan for their trust in me, so in order not to let the brothers and sisters down, then I will bear the crime!"

Li Qiufeng first glanced at Li Rufeng, then looked around and said loudly.

The sudden change was beyond Ye Meng's expectation, so he did not stand up in the first time, but waited for a moment with cold eyes.

Now, seeing that Li Qiufeng is really going to stage a violent retrograde, he can't hold back immediately!

In any case, the Li family is also a descendant of Yan'er sister, how can he bear to stand by?

Ye Meng stepped forward as he thought of it, and said with a calm face.

"Little plum, don't be afraid, there is a baby here, your Li family can't mess up!"

After the voice of the milky child's voice was passed out, Li Rufeng on the side could not help but be grateful.

But Li Qiufeng on the other side looked up and down Ye Meng with a sneer.

"What an arrogant child, do you know who you are talking to? At a young age, you are so arrogant!"

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