Divine Child System

Chapter 1360: Old iron, plate them

However, Li Qiufeng is obviously not a person who likes to sprout branches. He waved to the subordinates of the Demon Gate behind him.

"Don't worry about this kid, send my clan uncle on the road!"

When the voice fell, several Demon Sect elders immediately stepped out and surrounded Li Rufeng.

Li Rufeng was shocked and angry when he saw this.

He is a supernatural power realm powerhouse, with a very high cultivation level, and he is not afraid of those magic gate elders.

It's just that Li Qiufeng, the thief, was so unscrupulous, but no one came out in the back of the Li family.

Obviously, Li Qiufeng had secretly controlled the entire Li family, but he just didn't know if there was anything wrong with Patriarch Li Rulong.

Therefore, Li Rufeng was already very anxious.

At the moment when the magic door elders were about to start, Li Qiufeng's gloomy voice sounded again.

"By the way, I forgot to tell my uncle that your youngest son and wife are now in the hands of your little nephew, so you don't need to say more about how your uncle should choose?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Rufeng, who had already exploded in momentum, instantly withered.

Although he seems to be only in his forties, he has actually lived for more than three hundred years. During these three hundred years, he has not had any children.

It was not until the first two years that his wife gave birth to a big fat boy.

This made Li Rufeng, who was old enough to have a son, regarded this young son as a treasure, and he valued him more than his life.

Now, Li Qiufeng unexpectedly revealed that his wife and youngest son have been controlled by the other party.

In this way, can Li Rufeng still resist?

The answer is obvious, Li Rufeng can't do it!

Therefore, after he heard this, the whole person was stunned on the spot, and his expression was extremely silent.

"Sure enough, he is a clan uncle, knows advances and retreats, knows current affairs!"

Li Qiufeng applauded lightly, smiling all over his face, which was meaningful.

The next moment, he gave a soft drink.

"Send the clan uncle on the road!"

Upon hearing the words, the elders of the Demon Sect slapped a palm together and blasted towards Li Rufeng.

Seeing this, the Li family descendants around him turned their heads.

Obviously, although they are all willing to follow Li Qiufeng to fight for the so-called glory, but they can't bear to see that the prestigious second master Li Rufeng died.

It's just that Li Qiufeng is cruel, and these Li family juniors have long been controlled by various means, and they dare not have any resistance at all.

Upon seeing this, Li Rufeng closed his eyes and waited to die without any resistance.

Although the ancestor of the Ye family said that there is no need to worry about having him together, how could Li Rufeng be gullible?

After all, the ancestors of the Ye family looked like nothing more than a boy, and he couldn't see any power at all.

Ye Meng, who was on the side, was very upset at this time.

This Li Qiufeng dared to ignore him. Didn't he not put him, the most terrifying baby in all realms, in his eyes?

"Old Iron, take them away!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth, and said with a milky voice.

As soon as his voice fell, the giant panda was already twisted and shot out like a cannonball.


A huge hole appeared in the void at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The giant panda's figure was instantly submerged in the hole, and when it appeared again, the demon elders who attacked Li Rufeng suddenly turned into a pile of dust and fluttered between the sky and the earth.


Li Qiufeng and the master of the magic door, as well as the descendants of the Li family, all took a breath!

This strange looking beast is so powerful?

A blow blasted through the sky, blasting the elders of the magic gate in the early stage of magical powers into scum!

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