Divine Child System

Chapter 1531: smell good

Ye Meng naturally couldn't eat these angels, even though these angels were just energy bodies.

But as a human with normal three views, how could he eat something that looks similar to humans?

Therefore, these angels are completely left for the monsters to eat.

In a short while, bursts of strong fragrance came out of the Tianhe Water Army Camp.

"smell good!"

Several female fairies sniffed their noses, and some of them were greedy.

It's not that they are greedy, but the fragrance is so tempting, that the fairies who are pure-hearted cannot help being aroused by greedy insects.

The mountain tiger spirit and other demon kings drooled even more.

The so-called grilled bird is naturally barbecue.

Of course, here, Ye Meng invented barbecue.

After a while, the birdmen were roasted to a golden color, looking yellow and orange, very attractive.

"Pepper, don't forget cumin!"

After Ye Meng saw it, he couldn't help but remind the demon kings.

When spices such as cumin and pepper are sprinkled, the aroma becomes more and more attractive.

At this moment, even Kong Xuan, Yang Jian, Nezha and others couldn't help their index fingers move and secretly swallowed their saliva.

The three of Li Jing and his son were even more stunned, their mouths opened wide, and even the halazi at the corners of their mouths smashed down without realizing it.

"Yeah, after the birdman made a barbecue, it was delicious!"

Even Ye Meng didn't expect that the bird-like angel would be so fascinating after making barbecue.

The little monsters all around had a happy look on their faces.

There is meat to eat with the king, and I see if there is a roast birdman that even the gods of the heavens can't eat, these little demons, but they are a large manpower, it is simply beautiful.

"Do you want something?"

Ye Meng turned his head and asked Yang Jian, Kong Xuan and others.

Upon hearing this, Kong Xuan and others waved their hands quickly.

What's a joke, although the smell of the roasted birdman makes them a little greedy, how can they really eat these things with their heart?

Although Li Jing and his son wanted to say, they should have a taste.

But when they saw Ye Meng, they didn't even ask them, so they suddenly chose to shut their mouths wisely.

"Ahem, Lord, I'll wait and walk around!"

Kong Xuan stood for a while, and finally couldn't help but say something to Ye Meng.

Continuing to stay here, I'm afraid he really can't help but eat a bite of the roast birdman.

So, it's better not to see and go around.

"Well, that baby will go and see with you!"

Ye Meng waved his hand when he heard the words, and said milky voice.

After everyone heard, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he led everyone out of the Tianhe naval camp.

As soon as Ye Meng and the others disappeared, the water sergeants in the Tianhe Water Army camp immediately surrounded the little monsters.

"Hi, brother, is it delicious?"

"What does it taste like, is it better than dragon meat?"

"It smells weird, gurgle!"

"Ahem, brother Bullhead, can you give me something, brother?"

All of a sudden, all the navy soldiers kept getting close to the little monsters, begging for some meat to eat.

Zhao Yun and other four generals looked at the navy and did not stop them.

Fortunately, the little demons were also generous, tearing off the flesh from their hands one after another and giving it to the Tianhe navy.

Suddenly, in the entire Tianhe naval camp, cheers thunderous and resounded across the sky.

At this moment, the Tianhe navy and the Wuxingshan group of demons were in complete harmony, and they no longer distinguished each other.

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