Divine Child System

Chapter 1532: Calling

"Brother, this time the army in the Far West has been repelled, but what are you going to do in the future?"

After walking by the Tianhe for a while, the Queen Mother asked.

After the others heard it, they also looked at Ye Meng in unison.

Don't look at the fact that it seems to have easily defeated the army in the Far West today, but in fact, this is completely dependent on the power of black technology weapons.

Moreover, as the battle progressed, the shortcomings of black technology weapons became more and more obvious.

After all, these black technology weapons, even though they are magical, can break open the fairy body.

But once it encounters a powerful opponent, such as the archangel Shahrir, the black technology weapon is slightly weak.

In fact, this shortcoming had already appeared when Ye Meng attacked the High Heaven Hall.

It's just that everyone was shocked by Ye Meng's methods of transforming the golden hoop and the somersault cloud, and didn't think about it for a while.

But now that I think about it carefully, these black technology weapons can only fight low-strength celestial generals and some less powerful gods.

Like Kong Xuan, Yang Jian, Nezha, etc. present, I am afraid they can easily crush these black technology weapons.

After Ye Meng heard what the Queen Mother said, she grinded her teeth and fell into deep thought.

Ye Meng has also discovered the shortcomings of black technology weapons.

It's just that the materials of these black technology weapons are there, even if Ye Meng continues to transform, they can't increase their power too much.

"In that case, the baby will strengthen the mecha legion!"

After thinking for a moment, Ye Meng had an idea in his mind.

The current Mecha Legion under his command is even more powerful than ordinary black technology weapons.

Therefore, this mecha legion is worthless.

This is why there was no mecha legion in the two wars.

Now, Ye Meng is ready to rebuild the mecha legion.

Only this time, he was going to do a big job, to fully display the horror of the Mecha Legion.

"My baby already has an idea, let's go back to the High Heaven Palace with my baby!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, and the voice of milk said something to everyone.

Immediately after he informed Zhao Yun and the other four generals by sound transmission, he rushed to the High Heaven Palace with all the people.

Just after returning to the High Heaven Hall, Ye Meng turned his head and looked at the Queen Mother before he could sit down.

"Sister Yaochi, call all the immortals for this baby."

The Queen Mother nodded when she heard the words, but she became curious.

The others did the same, looking at Ye Meng with surprise.

Why do you call all the immortals over? Did Ye Meng convene all the immortals to discuss a strategy to withdraw the enemy?

In the incredible looks of everyone, the Queen Mother Shi Shiran issued an order to call the immortal.

As soon as the immortal calling order came out, no matter where the immortals of the Three Realms were, everyone could receive the message from the heavenly court.

Thirty-three days away, in the Palace of Dusit, the Grand Master, who was busy making alchemy, suddenly heard the message coming from his ears, and couldn't help but startled slightly.

"Zhaoxianling? That little girl in Yaochi actually dispatched Zhaoxianling? What happened?"

Taishang Laojun said to himself, and immediately turned his head and ordered to the boy.

"I am optimistic about the pill furnace, I will go and return."


When the two alchemy boys heard the words, they all bowed together.

Upon seeing this, the old gentleman nodded and walked towards the outside of the palace.

As the incarnation of the saint Lao Tzu, Taishang Laojun didn't need to be so low-key, but whether it is the deity of Lao Tzu or Taishang Laojun.

They are all people who admire quietness and inaction, so naturally they don't like being too ostentatious.

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