Divine Child System

Chapter 1600: Worship the imperial religion, yes

"Little Fairy, listen to me to explain!"

Seeing Ye Meng's upset, Shang Yuanliang suddenly panicked.

"Say, if you don't have a reasonable explanation, this baby will go to your Shang's house immediately, hum!"

Ye Meng threatened her little tiger teeth constantly after hearing the words.

When Shang Yuanliang heard this, he shuddered and almost knelt down.

When Ye Meng ate the Du's house, he still remembered the scene, but now he still shuddered!

So, he didn't dare to neglect, and quickly explained!

It turned out that this was not Shang Yuanliang's **** and skidding, but the great director's sudden life, because the black forces that angered Mi Lianxing were killed on the spot during a certain shooting!

When such a thing happened, it shocked the entire entertainment industry.

However, because of this black force, it is very powerful in Mi Lian Star, and it also involves the high level of Mi Lian Star.

Therefore, even if the Shang and Shen families put pressure on the top of the blue star many times, they still did not stop in the end!

Afterwards, the Shang and Shen Jia also arranged for other directors to continue shooting!

But those directors, without Ye Meng's guidance, how can they understand the awesomeness of Ye Meng's script?

They couldn't bear to see what they photographed.

Shang Jia and Shen Jia changed several directors in succession, but failed to find a suitable candidate. In desperation, they could only announce the temporary suspension of filming.

After listening to Shang Yuanliang's words, Ye Meng was furious!

"Which underworld force dared to kill this baby's royal director, don't they want to live?"

Ye Meng was furious, so even the entire Ten Thousand Realms would tremble!

The mere faction of Mi Lianxing is naturally not enough.

"Back to Little Fairy Boy, this black force is called the Tribunal of God!"

Shang Yuanliang quickly replied upon hearing this.

"It turned out to be the Tribunal of God!"

When Su Xiaotian on the side heard this, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Why? The Tribunal is very powerful?"

Seeing Su Xiaotian's appearance, Ye Meng curled his lips and asked.

"That's not the case, mentor, the Tribunal of the Divine Sect is just a small force, but the backer behind them is extremely large!"

Su Xiaotian explained.

"Yes, little fairy boy, the Divine Religious Tribunal is a branch of the worship of the emperor, so the influence of the worship of the emperor is too great!"

Shang Yuanliang also added.

After listening to the words of the two, Ye Meng suddenly curled his lips!

"How sacred is this baby? It turns out to be bullshit!"

Ye Meng once had contact with the priest of Anxi Bird Cathedral, and he naturally knew what the worship of the Imperial Church was!

To put it bluntly, this worship of the Emperor Sect and **** who invaded the Three Realms are extremely similar!

Ye Meng sometimes even suspected that this was indeed Jesus' clone.

Otherwise, why explain the experience between the two, almost exactly the same!

"Since it is the fellow Ye Hard, it's okay, let this baby wipe them out at once!"

While speaking, Ye Meng began to wear her little tiger teeth.

Long before he left Azure Star, Ye Meng was ready to kill this shit!

It's just that we were in a hurry at the time and there was no time to implement it!

"Does the teacher have to deal with the worship of the emperor?"

Su Xiaotian heard a hint of joy on his face.

Immediately, he continued.

"It is absolutely hateful to worship the emperor's religion. After the Saint Seiya invaded, Ye Haan not only did not come forward to resist, but also colluded with the Saint Seiya and helped the Saint Seiya directly control Mi Lian!"

"Yes, even Obama was ousted for this, and his whereabouts are still unknown!"

Shang Yuanliang also added.

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