Divine Child System

Chapter 1601: The mystery of life experience

"Oban? Nice!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Meng suddenly remembered that Mi Lianxing's Auba Niu had long been replaced by his subordinate Nis!

At the beginning, Ye Meng asked Nis and his death team members to pretend to be the senior leaders of Auba Niu and Mi Lianxing!

Now, Shang Yuanliang said that the whereabouts of Auba Niu is unknown, so that Nis is not the opponent of those Saint Seiya!

Ye Meng raised his head and asked while his thoughts flashed.

"Can there be news about Obama?"

Su Xiaotian monk Yuanliang shook his head together, said.

"No, since the Black Palace was occupied by the Saint Seiya, some of the senior officials of Auba Niu and Mi Lianxing seem to have completely disappeared, and there is no news!"

"The Alliance has also sent a large number of experts to inquire, but in the end nothing was achieved!"

Ye Meng let out a cry after hearing it.

"It seems that Nice and the others should be lurking now. These guys have gone through all the worlds. I don't know how many lives and deaths they have experienced. They are ghosts!"

Since there is no news, it proves that Nis and the others are probably still alive, so Ye Meng didn't worry about their safety.

While talking, the golden-faced heavenly king Zhong Hao hurried in.

"Ye Shi, Palace Lord, the identity of that girl Liu has been found out!"

When the voice came, Ye Meng had already left everything behind and couldn't wait to ask.

"Quickly talk about who is she, and is she related to Miss Sister?"

Zhong Hao suddenly smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

"Master Ye, there doesn't seem to be any relationship between the two Miss Liu!"

Obviously, he was also surprised by the results of this investigation.

Because Liu Feifei and Liu Youyou look so alike, if they were twin sisters, no one would doubt.

"Well, let's talk about the specific situation!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth, and said something with her milk.

"Liu Youyou, from Tiannan Prefecture, his father, Liu Ziyi, is a business prodigy. He runs a listed company and is worth about ten billion yuan."

"Her mother Wen Wan, and Liu Ziyi are college classmates, and they are very close to each other. Judging from Wen Wan's birth record, it only shows Liu Youyou as a daughter, so..."

Speaking of which Zhong Hao stopped, the result was already obvious.

There is no blood relationship between Liu Youyou and Liu Feifei, they just look similar!

Ye Meng was a little speechless about this, he still wanted to find a family member for Miss Sister!

"However, Miss Liu Feifei found some clues."

At this time, Zhong Hao's voice sounded again.

"What clues?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Meng suddenly became curious.

Liu Feifei is an orphan and grew up in Ancheng Welfare Institute since childhood.

Ye Meng knew this a long time ago!

Moreover, he also commissioned Li Chengming, Song Chang and others to investigate Liu Feifei's life experience, but the final result was not satisfactory.

After so many years, the clues to Liu Feifei's life experience have long been broken!

The old dean who raised her by one hand is no longer alive.

Therefore, even Liu Feifei herself could not tell why she came!

Now, the golden face of the bell actually said that a clue was found, Ye Meng had to wonder whether the golden face of the bell was fooling people!

No way, Ye Meng's first impression of Zhong Hao has never been very good!

"Twenty years ago, Liu Ziyi visited Ancheng once, and he stayed in Ancheng for nearly a month!"

Zhong Hao said mysteriously, and as he spoke, his face looked like he was in control!

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