Divine Child System

Chapter 2243: God-level system, condensed


After the cracking sound, the whole Zhentian Soul Refining Tower exploded in a few breaths!

Soon, Ye Meng's figure reappeared.


Emperor Wusheng was stunned!

Empress Fengzi almost staggered and fell into a shit!

No way, they were so shocked!

You know, this Zhentian soul refining tower, even Wusheng Great himself may not be able to bear it.

Therefore, the Zhentian Soul Refining Tower has always been regarded as the trump card of the Wusheng Great Emperor.

But now, this hole card actually burst.

But that little kid did nothing at all.

This made Wusheng Great and Empress Fengzi almost start to wonder if they were dreaming.

"This tower tastes good, Dog Emperor, do you have any more?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and looked at Emperor Wusheng. The childish voice of milk and milk came from his mouth.

Upon hearing the words, Wusheng Great suddenly felt a surge of breath.

Nima, what do you think of the Zhentian Soul Refining Tower?

"Pauper, you are still a bullshit!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng curled his small mouth and scorned.

A great emperor, there is only one treasure that can barely be shot, there is really no one!

Hearing Ye Meng's words, Wusheng Great Emperor only felt his breath stagnate, and the qi and blood in his body could no longer be suppressed, and he spouted a mouthful of old blood!

The Empress Fengzi on the other side was also black, and her legs began to weaken.

"Well, this baby has no time to grind with you, so go with your son!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, turned his wrists, and the Thunder hammer in his hand had already hit the Wusheng Great Emperor!

"So courageous!"

Seeing the small hammer knocked, Wusheng the Great immediately furious.

He raised his arm and greeted him with Thunder Hammer!


Thunder bursts!

In the next moment, the Wusheng Great Emperor, known as the number one powerhouse in the heavens, instantly turned into fly ash!


Empress Fengzi screamed mournfully upon seeing this.

But her voice hadn't fallen yet, Ye Meng's backhand was a blow!


Before the graceful empress even had time to react, she followed in the footsteps of Emperor Wusheng, turned into fly ash, and disappeared!

"Okay, go back!"

When Mo Dian saw this, he shook his head and said something.

He had expected this result long ago.

It is ridiculous that the Wusheng couple thought they could kill Ye Meng and avenge the **** prince?

To put it bluntly, even if he clicked, he could hang the couple, let alone the terrifying Ye Meng?


Ye Meng didn't delay when he heard the words.

If it weren't for the dog couple's time delay, I'm afraid he and Mo Dian would have returned to Yuanhuang Continent early in the morning!

"Little Yemeng, wait for me!"

When the ink spot saw it, he hurriedly followed.

The two of them moved quickly towards Yuanhuang Continent one after another.

After a while, Ye Meng and Mo Dianyi returned to the Ultraman Mountain.

"Well, Xiao Yemeng, hurry up and condense the blank system!"

Upon returning to Ultraman Mountain, Mo Dianyi couldn't wait to urge Ye Meng to come.

This blank god-level system, although not owned by him.

But it is also closely related to him, because it is related to his record.

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words, and then waved his small hand.

A cloud of white light appeared in front of him instantly!

"God-level system, condensed!"

Ye Meng snorted softly, and the power of the bear child system in his body rushed towards the white light.

As the power of the bear child system entered the white light, the white light suddenly began to change colors!

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