Divine Child System

Chapter 2244: Create system

"Meng Xiaoye, quickly add a template!"

When the ink spot on the side saw this, he quickly reminded.

Ye Meng groaned after hearing the words.

He didn't intend to bind this blank god-level system by himself.

There is no other reason, he has the bear child system, which is enough!

Even if you bind a god-level system again, it won't go anywhere, on the contrary, it will also affect the development of the bear child system, and it will outweigh the gain.

Moreover, his Tao has been confirmed, and now that one more system will make the Tao he pursues deviate.

"Mo Dianyi, this old guy is vague about this baby, and has never revealed Ye Guai's affairs!"

"However, since Ye Guai is the baby's son, leave this system to him!"

Ye Meng thought secretly in his heart!

He didn't care if Ye Guai, a later generation, really obtained the qualifications of other **** level systems.

Anyway, this is his son, so the good things are naturally reserved for his son!

"Add a calling template!"

"Add skill template!"

"Add talent template!"

"Add an item template!"

Ye Meng made a few soft drinks and turned into a god-level system with multicolored rays of light, suddenly blooming!

"Ding! The summon template has been generated...please add the summon!"

The next moment, the electronic sound in the color light plays.

"Summoned objects? Ordinary summoned objects are boring, just them!"

Ye Meng heard this, thought about it, and made a decision in his heart.

Immediately, he squeezed the magic trick with his little hands!

"Projecting Lu Benwei, Qiao Biluo, Wang Jingze... Three seem to be too few, let's add one more, project Wankun Guoxu Kun!"

As Ye Meng's voice fell, several phantoms were instantly submerged in the colorful light!

These phantoms are the projections of Lu Benwei and others.

Although this is only a projection, with the growth of the god-level system, the strength of these projections will follow and grow, and even surpass the body is easy!

"The power of these four guys is quite interesting, this baby's son will naturally take a different path!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng couldn't help but think with joy.

Summoning objects, adding four temporarily is enough, leaving the rest to Ye Guai to open it up!

"Ding! The summoning object is added successfully, and the summoning function is generated!"

"Ding! Please add skills!"

Ye Meng hesitated when he heard the electronic sound.

This skill can't be casual, because the skill is powerful, but it is related to how powerful the skills that the god-level system will produce in the future!

In other words, the things Ye Meng is doing now are just the most basic templates.

The god-level system naturally cannot rely on these templates alone, because it will grow by itself.

The function of the template is to customize a basic standard. The stronger the basic standard, the more powerful the skills, talents, summons, props, etc. produced by the god-level system will naturally become!

"That's it, this baby happens to have unused skills!"

After a few breaths, Ye Meng made a decision.

"Add skills-like love..."

Ye Meng has never used the skill like love, but this skill is quite against the sky.

For Ye Meng, this skill is dispensable, but using it as the basic skill standard for the god-level system has greatly improved the level of this god-level system!

Ten god-level systems are naturally powerful and weak.

Like Ye Meng's bear child system, it belongs to the violent system in the god-level system, and is considered the top existence!

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