Divine Child System

Chapter 2277: Ye Meng, Elder Ye

"Young man, why don't you go to the old man's door!"

Just when Long Tianjiao was embarrassed and angry, an old voice came out!

This person is one of the elders of the ancient immortal gate, ranking second among the elders.

However, these two elders, although their status is aloof, their reputation among the immortal disciples is not so good.

Because this second elder named Jian Polan, as his name suggests, his favorite thing is to treat everyone as a tattered thing and treat it as a treasure.

This Jian Polan was secretly given a nickname by his disciples, called the elder picking up the tatters.

Now, when he saw that no one wanted Long Tianjiao, the heart of picking up the tatters suddenly emerged in his heart.

"The disciple knocks on his teacher!"

Seeing this, Long Tianjiao didn't hesitate, and knelt down in front of Jian Polan with a bang, knocking his head respectfully.

Hmph, all of you worshipped ordinary disciples, but I, Long Tianjiao, became a disciple of the elder.

Which is higher and lower, at a glance!

Long Tianjiao's depressed mood swept away, secretly cheering.

"It turns out that my script went like this, hahaha!"

He was so proud that he felt that he really deserved to be a winner in life. After turning around, he actually went to the elder's door.


At this time, Sect Master Dan Xiaogui coughed slightly.

He looked around the elders.

"So, how about this little brother?"

When his voice fell, all the elders were speechless, unable to answer.

Shou Yemeng as a disciple?

How could this be possible, no one really had this qualification in the whole ancient immortal gate.

But if they didn't accept Ye Meng, they couldn't accept that such a terrifying genius would miss their ancient refining fairy gate.

"No, how about setting the little brother as the elder of the sect?"

Among the elders, a pretty female elder tried to suggest.

This person is the fourth elder Xia Tiyi. Although she is a female, she has always been bold and unconstrained, so she was called a blind suggestion elder by the disciple of the fairy door!

I have to say that Xia Tiyi's blind proposal is still quite constructive.

At least, the Sect Master Dan Xiaogui and the other elders present, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Okay, that's it!"

Dan Xiaogui had a rare display of courage, and immediately decided.

Immediately, he walked up to Ye Meng and asked a little flatteringly

"Little brother, how about you becoming the eighth elder of my ancient immortal gate?"

"All right, the elder is the elder, this baby is reluctant to do this, promise you!"

Ye Meng waved her small hand when she heard the words, and said milky voice.

There was a hint of reluctance in his tone.

However, this was just pretended by him.

In fact, being an elder is naturally better than being a disciple, so why would he not be happy?

Anyway, no matter which sect to go to, it is the same to him, it is better to stay in this small ancient immortal gate and become a salted fish elder to be pure!


When Dan Xiaogui and the elders saw this, they were all overjoyed.

This horrible child was finally saved by them, and the sense of accomplishment in their hearts could not stop spontaneously!

The triumphant expression on Long Tianjiao's face stiffened.

He was just now proud that he was an elder disciple, which was a generation higher than Xiao Longtao and Lu Renjia.

But now, when he turned his head, he found that he was a generation shorter than Ye Meng, a little kid.

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