Divine Child System

Chapter 2278: Wonderful ancient elders

"Come on, eight...Elder eight, I will introduce you to other elders!"

When Dan Xiaogui was obviously not used to calling Ye Mengba Elder, his mouth trembled and he became the Eighty Eight Elder!

If it's someone who doesn't know, think he's calling Dad!

"This is Grand Elder Jayaba, he is more reserved and doesn't like talking!"

Dan Xiaogui pointed to a half-bald old man and said.

"Oh, it's a fake dumb elder!"

Ye Meng heard the words and nodded towards Jayaba.

Upon seeing this, Jayaba squeezed a smile on his face, but said nothing.

Obviously, as Dan Xiaogui said, he didn't like to talk much.

"This is the second elder Jian Polan, and the third elder Ren La. The two of them were confidant friends when they were not in the immortal gate, but their personalities are completely opposite, and the eighth elder will understand it later!"

Dan Xiaogui immediately pointed to the second elder Jian Polan, and said to another middle-aged Confucian student.

Ye Meng twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard it.

He discovered that the names of the elders in this ancient immortal gate seemed to be very strange.

What kind of fake dumb, what to pick up trash, what to throw out garbage, what are all these things?

"I have seen the eight elders!"

Jian Polan and Ren Laji both bowed their hands towards Ye Meng at the same time.

Although it's the plane of cultivating immortality, it looks like a plane of martial arts because of etiquette.

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

Ye Meng held back his smile and waved his small hand.

Next, it was Xia Tiyi who had just proposed that Ye Meng be the elder.

However, she didn't let Dan Xiaogui introduce, but she couldn't wait to talk about it!

"Elder Eighth, I'm Xia Tiyi, the fourth oldest member of the ancient immortal gate!"

She smiled, with a kind look on her face.

No way, she couldn't resist the cute baby Ye Meng.

"Good morning four elders!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng replied with milky voice.

Ye Meng had a pretty good impression of Xia Tiyi. Who told the other party to be so acquainted and even suggested that he be the elder!

"Oh, don't call me the fourth elders, just call my sister in the future!"

After hearing the words, Xia Ti immediately burst into joy, and said to Ye Meng with a smile.

Dan Xiaogui, who was on the side, coughed a few times quickly and broke the topic.

"Ahem, this is the fifth elder Tao Deman, the sixth elder Ai Zhousheng... ahem, the sixth elder is talking about you, don't worry!"

When Dan Xiaogui introduced, the fifth elder Tao Deman was okay, and immediately bowed his hand to Ye Meng.

However, the sixth elder Ai Zhousheng looked like a soul wandering beyond the sky, so Dan Xiaogui had to cough several times to remind him.

"Oh, eight elders, sorry, sorry, I'm always distracted. This problem has been left since I was a child, and now I can't change it!"

After Ai Zhou returned to God, he repeatedly arched his hands towards Ye Meng with an apologetic expression.

Ye Meng waved his small hand, but he was completely speechless about it.

The names of the previous three elders are strange enough, but now these five elders and six elders are no less inferior to them!

What is slow to escape, what is distracted, is really speechless to the extreme.

"Eight Elder, Lao Sepei, my next!"

This time, after Ye Meng heard it, he couldn't help it anymore and let out a chuckle.

Not only him, but Shen Hongye, Liu Feifei and others beside Ye Meng are also completely smiling!

Under the world, there are actually people called Lao Se * embryos!

Fortunately, Lau Seber, knowing that his name is easy to misunderstand, always accompanied by a smiling face, without the slightest anger!

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