Divine Child System

Chapter 2292: Could it be that eating flying swords can increase cultivation


Thunder is the first to smash, destroying and decayed, terrifying!

"No matter how powerful this little kid is, in front of such a terrifying thunder, I am afraid that I will retreat?"

Upon seeing this, Wu Lai and the three were secretly proud.

Although the five thunder spell and the Kuang thunder true solution are not considered advanced spells, the combination of the two will increase the power of thunder by more than ten times.

Therefore, the thunder slashing in the void right now is so appalling.

In their opinion, although Ye Meng was terrifying, she might not be able to resist thunderously physically.

In the gloating eyes of Wu Lai and the three of them, Ye Meng suddenly stretched out his arm and grabbed it towards the void.

The next moment, the sky full of thunder, and the flying sword-shaped phantom instantly converged into a spherical shape.

In the spherical shape, there was a surging thunder force.


Ye Meng didn't even think about it, so he bit down on the electric ball that had gathered the power of thunder.

boom! boom!

A violent explosion sounded from Ye Meng's mouth, but he seemed to feel nothing at all, still chewing happily.


Upon seeing this, Wu Lai's hairs stood up.

This is scared.

Such a terrifying Thunder was caught by this kid casually, and everything fell into his hands.

That's not a big deal, he actually took a bite and ate it.

Wu Lai and the three people only felt that the world was full of darkness, and there was no hope of light.

That's right, now Wu Lai and the three people are beginning to think, is this world fake?

Are they even dummies?

Otherwise, why would there be children who eat Thunder?

"Bring Feijian!"

Ye Meng nibbled at Thunder, and said with milk.

Upon hearing this, Wu Lai and the three fell silent for an instant.

I'm afraid this child is really not a human being, otherwise, why would he be so greedy?

Is this Feijian so delicious?

Doesn't make sense?

"My baby, say it again, bring the flying sword, otherwise you're done!"

Seeing Wu Lai and three of them hesitating, Ye Meng grinded her little tiger teeth and said viciously.

Don't look at him so bad words, but combined with his cute appearance, it makes others not feel the slightest cruelty, but will feel cute!

However, Wu Lai and the three would definitely not think so.

In their eyes, Ye Meng is more terrifying than the devil!

Facing such a threat, Dajia and Jieshe also recognized the reality and handed over their flying swords obediently.

As for Wu Lai, his flying sword has fallen into Ye Meng's hands.

After receiving the flying sword, Ye Meng didn't even think about it, so he began to chew the flying sword.

Although Thundering tasted good, it didn't bring Ye Meng any experience, let alone skills.

Therefore, it is better to eat Feijian.

Click, click!

The crisp chewing sound continued to sound.

The three of Wu Lai had goosebumps, they wanted to turn around and flee.

But unfortunately, they dare not.


Ye Meng quickly ate the three flying swords cleanly, and at the same time, his body lit up with white light again!

At the next moment, he just broke through to the fourth level of Yuan Ying, and he became the fifth level of Yuan Ying again!

This time, Wu and Lai finally saw a trace of fame.

"Could it be that eating flying swords can increase cultivation base?"

"Flying sword is made of immortal meteorite iron, and it contains extremely strong immortal power, so to speak..."

"It's very possible, but if it's true, we'll know if we go back and try!"

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