Divine Child System

Chapter 2293: Hard work

The three of Wu Lai looked at each other a few times, and decided in their hearts that they must try some flying swords when they returned.

In case, they really tried to produce results, wouldn't it belong to the existence of subverting the immortal cultivation system?

The three were horrified and excited.

When I thought, if they could eat flying swords just like the little kid in front of them, their realm would suddenly rise all the way.

Isn't that cool?

"Then...that little fairy boy, can we go now?"

Wu Lai asked Ye Meng cautiously.

"Go back? Is this baby allowed to let you go?"

When Ye Meng heard the words, he raised his head and gritted his teeth.

As soon as these words came out, the Wu and Lai trio stood blankly on the spot.

Isn't this kid, don't plan to let them go?

They even handed in Feijian, what else does he want?

So far, Wu Lai and the three people don't feel wronged.

Seeing the trio of grievances, Ye Meng curled his lips and stretched out a small hand.

"Look, this baby is eating Thunder and Flying Sword again. It's hard work, should you show it?"

The voice fell, not only Wu Lai and the three were shocked.

Even the disciples of the ancient immortal sect were all stunned.

"I heard you right? The Eighth Elder is asking the Mochizuki Four Little Dragons for hard work?"

"Ok...it seems to be, but I'm not sure if I have a problem with my ears."

"It's over, what can I do? The Eighth Elder has completely offended Mochizuki Sect!"

"Yeah, it's too reckless, how can this be done!"

The ancient disciples of Lian Xianmen were shocked, or demented, or shook their heads and sighed.

Many more people secretly disagree.

It is already quite remarkable to let the Mochizuki four little dragons retreat.

You are still thinking about it and blackmailing the other party, isn't this asking for trouble!

"By the way, there is the guy who is stuck in the mountain, you, and you, go and pull him out, and the hard work he should pay is also included!"

Ye Meng ignored the shocked look of everyone, waved a small hand and said milky voice.


Hearing this, the three Wu Lai couldn't help swallowing.

This little kid is really a wolf.

However, now the three of them are like fish on the chopping board, how can they dare to resist?

Maybe, the more they resist, the harder this kid will be blackmailed!

So far, Dajia and Jieshe ran obediently to pull the Qiang Dao out of the mountain.

The Qiang Dao at this time was full of blood, and looked very scary.

"What am I..."

Qiang Dao couldn't help but cursed.

But as soon as his words were spoken, Dajia on the side covered his mouth.

"You don't want your life, if this kid hears you, you are afraid you will suffer again!"

Upon hearing this, Qiang Dao fell silent.

What else can he say?

Ye Meng's shocking shake, he still remembers fresh!

You know, he is not an ordinary monk, but a strong man of Yuan Ying Seven Layers.

Putting them in the neighbors of Mochizong Sect, there are not many who can reach his cultivation base!

Therefore, facing the terrifying child who was able to throw him into the mountain with a flick of his hand, Qiang Dao completely recognized it.

"Let's go!"

Jieshi shook his head and said something.

Immediately, the two of them, supporting the limping Qiang Dao, returned to Ye Meng again.

As for escape?

They didn't even think about it, but it was strange that they could escape with a few miles away.

Even if the Mochizuki Sect's mountain gate is close at hand!

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