Divine Child System

Chapter 2311: Come, scold

"Swear, I scold!"

While the other elders were still struggling, the eight elder Xiaba had already responded.

The next moment, he opened his mouth and cursed.

"Yao Chuanwei, you wolfish ambition guy, you are thinking about usurping the throne. No wonder your name is Yao Chuanwei!"

After cursing this sentence, he glanced at Ye Meng cautiously.

Seeing Ye Meng shook his head, he looked disapproving.

"What a curse, it's true!"

When Xiaba heard this, his cheeks twitched a few times, and the golden needles on his face quivered up and down, and he grinned immediately, dripping with cold sweat.

He took a deep breath and suddenly spoke.

"Yao Chuanwei, you old dog, lewd and licentious, half of your foot is almost in the coffin board, and you are still coveting the beauty of the female disciple of the sect!"

"You are not a human being, you are a dog, an old dog, an ugly and old dog!"

The voice fell, Xia Xia Ba looked at Ye Meng again.

This time, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

"Go on, come on, look forward to you!"

After Xiaba heard it, it seemed that he had received great encouragement.

What's more, I've already scolded anyway, so I might as well scold it.

Regardless of the elders' faction, it seems to be monolithic.

But where there are people, there are conflicts of interests.

With so many elders, how can Yao Chuanwei truly achieve a bowl of water?

Like Xia Ba, among the many elders, it is not Yao Chuanwei's confidant, so the distribution of various resources is naturally far inferior to others.

However, Yao Chuanwei had a high prestige in the past, enough to deter everyone, and Xia Da naturally didn't dare to say much.

But now, let alone Yao Chuanwei, the entire Wen Dao Sect has been discredited.

Xia Ba still fears that Yao Chuanwei is strange, so when he hits hard, he will tear his face with Yao Chuanwei!

"Old dog Yao Chuanwei, you are not a human being. You, a dog, not only harms female disciples, but also has a good male character, like Longyang!"

"What's even more disgusting is that you still imitated the woman and slumped under someone else's body. It's like a shameless old man..."

Summer Ba, who had made up his mind, really let go of the scolding, and all kinds of foul language came out.

I could only hear the sect masters of the surrounding sects, unable to stop sweating, and his back was chilling.

Too vicious!

The abuse this summer is so vicious, it has completely discredited Yao Chuanwei.

Of course, this little kid is even more vicious.

With this one hand, he used a knife to kill people compulsively, and instantly disintegrated the seemingly monolithic elder faction of Wen Dao Sect.

Although everyone knows that Xia Da is persecuted.

However, his words have made Yao Chuanwei face.

Even if things calm down, who can guarantee that Yao Chuanwei will laugh?

Xiaba didn't dare to gamble, so he had no choice but to continue to follow Yao Chuanwei, and it was hard to say whether he could even get a foothold in Daozong.

This is a conspiracy, and it cannot be cracked at all.

"You... hello..."

Yao Chuanwei was so angry that his face was trembling.

He wanted to tear up Xia Ba very much, but he didn't dare.

Because the bald head holding the chainsaw is weak, and he is still staring at him.

"Old dog Yao Chuanwei, you and your **** gave birth to a bunch of puppies..."

Xia Ba's curse continued to come.

Hearing this, Yao Chuanwei couldn't bear it anymore, and he spouted a mouthful of blood!

The next moment, his body slowly fell down.

When everyone around saw this, they were all in an uproar.

After asking the Daozong elder dignifiedly, Yao Chuanwei, who can be called the overlord of the Donglin Mansion, was scolded and fainted.

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