Divine Child System

Chapter 2312: Ask Daozong, it's over


At the moment Yao Chuanwei fell, Ye Meng made a victory gesture.

Too vulnerable, is this the overlord of Donglin Mansion?

Ye Meng said that he was speechless.

"Mother Rong, solved the golden needle for him, and the others don't need to worry about it, let them continue to taste the taste of golden needle!"

After shook his head, Ye Meng waved a small hand at Rong Rong.

"Yes, Master Meng!"

When Rong Rong heard the words, she should bend.

Immediately, with a wave of her wrist, the golden needle on Xia Ba's body disappeared instantly.

Xia Ba, who was originally painful and dying to live, felt relieved for a while, and all the pain had disappeared.

"Thank you little ancestor!"

At this time, Xia Ba didn't have any hard-hearted, fierce look at all, and trot to Ye Meng like a pug.

He looked like a filial son and grandson.

Well, by all accounts, he directly recognized Ye Meng as the ancestor.

"Okay, just stay aside!"

Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction after hearing this.

What is needed is this effect.

While speaking, Ye Meng's gaze fell on Wendao Sect Sect Master Zeng Haoren.

A look of contempt suddenly appeared on his little face.

"You Sect Master, you are really useless!"

Although scolded by a child, Zeng Haoren was completely unable to refute.

Thinking about it carefully, he was really useless.

In vain, he still bears the name of a super genius, but after taking over the sect, he is actually a waste!

"Wait, if my baby is wrong, do you have a system?"

Ye Meng looked at Zeng Haoren up and down, and suddenly said.

Upon hearing this, Zeng Haoren nodded.

The Donglin Mansion almost knew everything about him with a book spirit, and it was not surprising that the kid in front of him knew.

"What system is it?"

"Good system!"

Hearing Ye Meng's question, Zeng Haoren replied.

Ye Meng curled his lips and murmured.

"It's really a waste system. No wonder it will make you more and more useless. Okay, this baby will get rid of this scourge for you!"

The voice fell, Ye Meng's figure moved and appeared in front of Zeng Haoren.

"What do you mean?"

Zeng Haoren hadn't reacted from Ye Meng's last sentence.

He stared at Ye Meng in a daze, looking at a loss.

At this moment, Ye Meng waved a small hand.

The next moment, Zeng Haoren only felt a sharp pain in his brain, as if something had been extracted by life.

This is naturally his book spirit.

Think about it, he was already bound to his system, and was stripped of him by Ye Meng, could it not hurt?

"Child, let go of this system, otherwise this system wants you to look good!"

Soon, in Ye Meng's hand, there was a light ball that looked like a sea urchin.

This light group made a panicked sound, but in its words, it still did not forget to threaten Ye Meng.

All the big sect masters around, seeing this scene, all in their hearts were shocked.

"This is Shu Ling. I didn't expect that this child could be deprived of Shu Ling. It's terrible!"

"Oh my God, my son Bai Qiong also got Shu Ling, no, he must be careful, but this kid must not be known!"

"Shu Ling, this is Shu Ling, if it were given to me, that would be great!"

"Poor asked Daozong, after today, I am afraid that I will be desperate!"

Everyone couldn't help but flash through such thoughts.

Ask Daozong, it's over!

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