Divine Child System

Chapter 2335: You turned out to be a scholar of Shura

"Ding! The host swallows the small green bottle system and gains the ability to ripen the small green bottle!"

After devouring the book spirit in Baichi, Ye Meng directly gained the ability of the opponent's system.

This ability is amazingly ripening!

"Ripe? Not bad!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng gritted her little teeth.

The so-called ripening means that the herbs, exotic flowers, etc., can be reduced in the middle of the growth process, and directly blossom and bear fruit.

Even some exotic animals, the ripening ability can be effective.

It can be said that although this ability does not seem very violent, it is very practical.

The expression on Bai Chi's face was completely gloomy.

He is far from being as loyal as he appears on the surface.

You know, in fact, he has a clear plan for his future.

Therefore, when he accidentally obtained Shu Ling, he didn't even tell the young master Bai Jiazhi.

Because he doesn't think it is a good behavior to expose his hole cards to others.

By nature, he hides the Shuling on his body.

As a result, until now, Bai Jiazhi had no idea about the book spirit carried by Bai Chi's body.

This shows how terrifying the disposition of this white pond is.

Now, Ye Meng had eaten all of his book spirits at once.

It can be said that this white pond, which used to hide and disguise itself, was completely destroyed.

Even if Ye Meng didn't kill him now, when he returned, he would not be able to escape Bai Jiazhi's poisonous hand.

In fact, if there was no Ye Meng, this person called Baichi would eventually counterattack everything and become the top powerhouse in the immortal wilderness.

He relied on this, the little green bottle system that could ripen everything.

"Child, don't spray people with blood, my brother Baichi, he is not such a person!"

Soon, behind Bai Jiazhi, a person screamed in a little panic.

But unfortunately, he didn't say that it was okay. After saying that, Bai Jia's expression suddenly became gloomy.

It seems that Bai Jiazhi's tolerance for this point is close to zero.

He hates the feeling that everything is no longer in his control.

But now, what Bai Chi is doing is undoubtedly in line with this point.

"Put down Baichi, Ben Shaorao you will not die!"

Finally, Bai Jiazhi couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily at Ye Meng.

Only Bai Jiazhi can deal with Baichi.

Is the child in front of me a ball? Who dare to hurt him?

Although, Bai Chi concealed Shu Ling's things, making Bai Jia's killing intent awe-inspiring.

However, even if he wanted to kill Bai Chi, Ye Meng would not be in his turn.

When the voice fell, Bai Jiazhi stood up suddenly and approached Ye Meng step by step.

There was a trace of killing intent on his body.

Finally, Bai Jiazhi completely tore through the disguise.

The faint killing intent spread, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Zeng Haoren, who had originally planned to speak to persuade him, only felt that he had suddenly fallen into the Asura place, and his ears were full of miserable crying.

In front of him, there were countless zombies faintly, flying towards him.

In amazement, he was immediately unable to persuade him.

"You actually practice the way of asura?"

All the sect masters around, all fell into the illusion, only Ye Meng was safe and sound.

He raised his head and glanced at Bai Jia in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this guy who looks like a dog is actually a scholar of Shura?

The so-called Shura scholars are those who specialize in killing and cutting their way to improve their cultivation.

Moreover, such people are often hard-hearted, indifferent and ruthless.

At that time, Ye Xuan had also practiced the Asura Way, but he gradually gave up the Asura Way, which was easy to fall into extremes.

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