Divine Child System

Chapter 2336: As soon as Shura came out, no grass would grow.

Although the Shuling Universe is a plane of cultivating immortals, the way of Asura exists in the same way.

Although Ye Meng didn't know how Bai Jiazhi would come into contact with the Tao of Shura.

However, based on the Shura breath of the dead mountain and blood, he was obviously an authentic Shura.

"You actually know Shura?"

Opposite Bai Jiazhi, who was walking slowly, was surprised.

He was naturally a serious child of the Nebula Palace, but when he was out on a mission.

It happened by chance that the adventure was a senior Asura, who was chased by his enemy, so that his life was dying.

At the critical moment, Bai Jiazhi rescued him.

Although, Senior Shura still failed to survive, but before he died, he passed the mantle to Bai Jiazhi.

It's just that Shura is considered a deadly enemy of the righteous monks.

Bai Jiazhi, who had cultivated the cultivation way, naturally did not dare to reveal half of it.

On the surface, he is still that humble, courteous, personable family son, and a generous sect.

But in fact, secretly, he has become a murderous Shura.

Originally, facing a kid like Ye Meng, he didn't need to use Shura's power.

However, Ye Meng exposed Bai Chi all of a sudden.

This made Bai Jiazhi suddenly realize that since Bai Chi can be selfish.

So, would he take his own practice of Asura as a handle, or has he even leaked it out?

Because Bai Jiazhi had to rely on Bai Chi to wait for his servants in order to cultivate the way of Asura, searching for a living person with strong energy and blood for him.

Therefore, Bai Chi and the others were faintly aware of it.

After discovering this, Bai Jiazhi will completely tear through the disguise.

Nothing, no rest, simply taking everyone present as a target and killing them cleanly.

In doing so, he avoided the exposure of his identity as Shura.

It even swallowed the vitality and blood of everyone present, allowing one's own way of Shura to go further!

"Since you know Shura, then you should also know that when Shura comes out, nothing is left in the grass. So, kid, dictate yourself!"

A bloodthirsty look appeared on Bai Jiazhi's face.

As soon as Shura came out, no grass would grow.

What is said is that Shura is extremely murderous, but where Shura haunts, there is no life.

As far as Bai Jia was concerned, Ye Meng in front of him was not at all concerned.

Even if he didn't use the power of Shura, he was a monk in the fit period.

Moreover, his combined monk and the combined period of Baichi are completely different from each other.

Although Bai Chi followed the original growth trajectory, it would move towards the peak of the fairyland.

But that is the distant future.

Today's Baichi is just a servant of the White Mansion who has just bound Shu Ling.

The cultivation base of his Integrity Period is more based on the pill of Bai Jia's reward and the occasional guidance on weekdays.

It can be said that during such a fit period, Bai Jia can hang dozens of them with one hand.

Therefore, Bai Jiazhi didn't pay attention to Ye Meng's act of subduing Bai Chi just now.

To be able to do this is not a big deal at all.

A dignified expression was wiped across Ye Meng's little face.

It's not that he is afraid of Bai Jiazhi, Bai Jiazhi is not enough to make him jealous.

He was thinking about Shura.

The so-called Shura is actually an Asura under the Western religion in myths and legends.

Since Shura appeared in this book spirit universe, then back to the source, Asura must also exist.

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