Divine Child System

Chapter 2344: Horror shot

Ye Meng's voice fell, and all the masters present pulled the trigger together.

Da da da!

The crazy burst of fire sounded instantly.

The next moment, countless Xianli bullets roared out.

At the front of the Nebula Palace children, they were torn into pieces by Xianli bullets before they even had time to react!

The rest of the Nebula Palace disciples stopped in their tracks.

Immediately, a chill instantly hits their foreheads from the soles of their feet!

Everyone couldn't stop it and backed away.

This is an instinct, the instinct to turn around and flee when seeing danger.

Even if they were vicious monks, they couldn't avoid it.

After all, the essence of human beings is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The major sovereigns were also completely stunned, and the shooting in their hands suddenly stopped.

For a time, the air was filled with gunpowder, but it turned out to be quiet and terrifying.

There were only heavy breathing sounds from everyone around.

"This... how is this possible?"

Immortal Venerable Wuyong was completely stunned. He looked at the major sect masters dumbfounded, his eyes full of incredible.

What kind of magic weapon is this that can instantly kill the monks in the fit period?


After a moment of stunnedness, Wuyong Xianzun recovered his senses, and he suddenly shouted.

The next moment, he snapped it back.


In the void, a huge palm suddenly appeared, shattering the sky, and with a terrible, devastating aura, it crashed down.

This was a terrifying blow from the monk during the Tribulation Period, and of course it was earth-shattering and terrifying to the extreme.

The major sect masters present were also in a daze at this time.

Because they never expected that these magic weapons given by Ye Meng would have such a terrifying power.

So that they couldn't recover from the shock at all for a while.

At this moment, the giant palm has crashed down.

"not good!"


"Run away!"

Suddenly felt the terrifying aura enveloped, and the major sect masters reacted, and the exclamation suddenly sounded.

Just as everyone was in desperation, a childish voice rang out suddenly.

"Hey, it seems that I still want this baby to shoot!"

The voice fell, and Ye Meng's figure burst out instantly.

The next moment, he flew a kick!


The giant palm that was falling from the envelope suddenly made a loud noise, and burst apart!


The screams came from Wuyong Xianzun's mouth.

His palm is gone.

Although, like Wuyong Xianzun, a monk who crossed the Tribulation, can instantly re-condense the flesh.

But being kicked in such a vain palm, he lost a lot of cultivation.

"Why are you still stunned, continue shooting!"

Ye Meng curled his lips and shouted at the major sect masters.

Upon hearing the words, the major sect masters suddenly struck a spirit.

Immediately, they pulled the trigger and frantically began to shoot!

Da da da!

The terrifying sound of shooting sounded again.

This time, the major sect masters who were already mentally prepared did not keep any hands.

The cultivators of the Nebula Palace in front of them couldn't even dodge at all, they burst apart and turned into a pile of fragments!

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred disciples of the Nebula Palace died!

Even before they even had time to escape Yuan Ying, they were wiped out!

Wuyong Xianzun saw his hands and feet tremble, and there was tingling on his scalp.

so horrible!

This magic weapon is so terrifying.

It was so horrible that even a monk who crossed the Tribulation couldn't help trembling.

"This time, the old man miscalculated..."

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