Divine Child System

Chapter 2345: Fear from the bottom of my heart

When Wuyong Xianzun's heart was wailing, Ye Meng had already appeared in front of him.

"Old man, you can go to death!"

The childish voice of milk and milk sounded, followed by the roar of thunder.

The next moment, Wuyong Xianzun, who was stunned in the same place, instantly turned into a pile of powder.

"Oh, it's really unbeatable. You said that you, a monk who crosses the Tribulation, can't even take a hammer from this baby. You really cultivated to a dog!"

Ye Meng looked at the pile of powder and shook his head, her little face full of helplessness.

No way, whether it's Ten Thousand Realms, Yuanhuang Continent, or the current Shuling Universe, he hasn't found one that can pick him up!

The big sect masters around had long been dumbfounded.

Ye Meng's magic weapon has already shocked them.

But now, they discovered that those magic weapons were compared with the little hammer in Ye Meng's hand, and they were not even worthy of carrying shoes!

That's a monk who crosses the Tribulation Period, so he just knocked it out with a hammer.

What a terrible magic weapon is this?

At least, the sect masters present have not heard of such a terrifying magic weapon in the fairyland.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you clean up?"

Seeing the big sect masters, they were dumbfounded, Ye Meng glared at them.

"Ah, yes yes yes!"

Zeng Haoren was the first to react. He nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

No way, this Ye Meng is too scary.

The methods he showed now were even more terrifying than when he had abused them before asking Daozong.

Who dares to offend such a person?

"Okay, this baby is back!"

Ye Meng waved his hand Shiran and turned away.

After he left, all the major sect masters who were present burst into an uproar as if they had exploded.

"My God, what the **** is this kid?"

"He is by no means a native of Donglin Mansion, otherwise there would be so many unpredictable methods!"

"Ask Sect Master Dan, he should know the most!"

"Yes, where's Master Danzong? Come out and say something?"

The voices of the major sect masters reached Dan Xiaogui, who was dumbfounded.

He shivered suddenly and said with a sad face.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either!"

Where does Dan Xiaogui know where Ye Meng is from?

If it weren't for his whim, he suddenly took a few elders that day, but he spied on the assessment of the new entry disciple.

It is impossible for him to know that there will be such a terrible child in his sect.

Even, maybe Ye Meng was still in front of an ordinary disciple at this time.

However, how could everyone just let Dan Xiaogui go?

They surrounded Dan Xiaogui and asked repeatedly, until they couldn't get any useful news from him.

Then they gave up one after another, letting go of Dan Xiaogui.

However, although Dan Xiaogui didn't know Ye Meng's origin, he knew exactly what happened to Ye Meng.

Therefore, after he told these things, the major sovereigns still received some useful news.

First, Ye Meng is not an aboriginal child, otherwise he cannot explain why he is so terrifying.

Second, his cultivation base may far exceed everyone's imagination, and it is not just the Nascent Soul Stage that looks like it on the outside.

No matter what it is, it is an existence that cannot be offended by the major sovereigns.

Therefore, at the moment, everyone is completely afraid to do anything rude to Ye Meng. This is a fear from the bones.

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