Divine Child System

Chapter 2415: Wise man alone


The hill fell.

He was arrogantly screaming at the release rate of King Kong's POSS, and was instantly smashed into a pile of meat!

What a joke, this is Fan Tianyin!

Among the acquired magic weapons, the attack power can be called the first-rate Fan Tianyin.

Not to mention the release rate, even the indestructible body of King Kong, has not been trained.

Even if he was trained, there was no way to resist Fan Tianyin's attack.

This is not a level at all.

You know, Fan Tianyin is a ghost crying wolf howling that even ancient gold immortals can fight.

It's strange that a monk who crossed the robbery was not smashed into flesh.

Although the Fantianyin from Ye Meng's cottage is not the original product, its power is not worse than the original product.

Therefore, Dugu Drunk at this time is like an adult holding a heavy weapon, crushing a baby who has not even learned to walk.

"Sect Master is dead?"

Bao Xiangzong went up and down, suddenly stunned.

They didn't expect that the strongest suzerain would be smashed into meat sauce before the POSS was finished.

"Vengeance for the suzerain!"

The crowd did not know who roared.

In the next moment, many Baoxiangzong disciples immediately roared and rushed towards Dugu Zui.

I have to say that sometimes such bald donkeys who purely cultivate the flesh may really ruin their brains.

They didn't even think about it, even the release rate was smashed to death by Dugu drunk, let alone them.

A crowd of bald donkeys swarmed and rushed in.

Upon seeing this, Dugu Zui wiped a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

The next moment, his Fan Tianyin shot again.


The huge mountain fell suddenly.

More than 180 bald donkeys present were all smashed into flesh!

Including Shi Heshang, who had just been photographed to death by the yin-yang mirror, has now become a pool of fleshy mud.

This time, even the positive side of the yin-yang mirror couldn't bring him back to life.

There are not many people, but the treasure Xiangzong of the elite will be destroyed instantly!

"Dugu drunk multiple killings, please small gods punish!"

After killing everyone in Bao Xiangzong, Dugu Zui quickly walked to Ye Meng and knelt down.

He said this deliberately.

In this way, he was responsible for all the charges of killing, and Ye Meng could not bear any charges.

I have to say that Dugu Zui is very smart.

He is a qualified subordinate.

Ye Meng waved his small hand upon hearing the words.

"Not an example!"

He understood the meaning of Dugu Zui.

Therefore, he directly followed the other party's words and took it.

"Thank you little fairy!"

When Dugu Zui saw this, there was a trace of joy in his eyes.

Ye Meng, the little fairy, actually understood his intentions.

This made him feel that his thoughts were not in vain.

"The next goal, Moon God Palace!"

Ye Meng waved his hand and turned away.

Ye Meng didn't care about Bao Xiangzong being destroyed.

No way, he naturally hates bald donkeys.

Therefore, the bald donkeys are not dead, to him, he doesn't care at all.

He even thought that Dugu Zui did a beautiful job.

Shen Hongye stepped forward and patted Dugu Zui's shoulder.

"Brother, there is a future!"

Shen Hongye's words are very meaningful.

"Old Shen, you are polite!"

For Ye Meng's number one running dog, Dugu Zui did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied respectfully.

Although, in terms of age, he has lived for nearly a thousand years, and he is about to explode Shen Hongye, who is only in his seventies.

But, does he dare to support Shen Hongye?

People call him the old brother, then he is the old brother.

"Let's go, don't make little brother impatient!"

Shen Hongye waved his hand and quickly caught up with Ye Meng.

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