Divine Child System

Chapter 2416: Resentful Woman Sect

The four major gates were very close, and after coming out of Baoxiangzong, he had reached the gate of the Moon God Palace without walking much.

Unlike Bao Xiangzong, there were disciples guarding the entrance of the Moon God Palace.

After seeing Dugu Zui and Wen Yi, they didn't dare to neglect, and directly invited everyone in.

Although, Dugu Drunk and Wen Yi had come here before.

But ordinary Moon God Palace disciples naturally don't know what's inside.

They only knew that the suzerain and elders of the four great sects appeared again.

As qualified disciples of the Moon God Palace, they naturally want to open the door to welcome guests.

"This Moon God Palace is very polite!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng curled his lips and said with milk.

Compared with the previous Baoxiangzong, these two sects are simply worlds apart.

"Little god, Moon God Palace has always believed in peace, and the reputation is quite good. If possible, can you..."

When Dugu was drunk, he whispered.

This guy, in fact, still has a friend in the Moon God Palace.

Keke, this is an extremely secret thing, whether it's Killing the Shrine or the Moon Shrine, basically no one knows.

Therefore, Dugu Zui naturally does not want Moon God Palace to repeat the scene of Bao Xiangzong.

"If the Moon God Palace is acquainted, this baby naturally doesn't mind letting them go!"

Ye Meng waved her little hand, and said milky voice.

These are not things, he can even let go of killing the divine palace, let alone the moon divine palace that has never conflicted with him?

Hearing Ye Meng's words, Dugu was overjoyed.

He has made up his mind, and he must quietly get along with him in a while, and clearly state his interests.

This is not a joke. Didn't you see that Bao Xiangzong was completely destroyed?

Among the four sects, the Moon God Palace is the weakest.

Bao Xiangzong was unbearable, let alone the Moon God Palace?

"Sect Master Dugu, Elder Wen, the Sect Master Hall is here!"

The disciple of the Moon God Palace who came with Ye Meng and others stopped and said Yingying.

In front of them, it is naturally the Sect Master Hall.

Perhaps it should be called the Palace Master Hall, which is more appropriate.

The main hall of the palace does not look particularly majestic, but it is full of exquisite and special flavor.

It seemed that there was an air of sadness, rushing toward the face.

No way, the Moon God Palace has only recruited female disciples since its inauguration.

Moreover, disciples are not allowed to choose Taoist companions or anything.

After all these years, it is strange that not all of them have become grieving women up and down the Moon God Palace.

Therefore, it is normal for the palace main hall to look full of sadness.

Regret, you can't count on normal people!

"Little god, please!"

Dugu drunk and Wen Yi didn't dare to walk in front of Ye Meng, and quickly bowed to indicate Ye Meng's invitation.

Seeing this, Ye Meng walked forward honestly and unceremoniously.

His steps were so bold that his six relatives did not recognize him.

When the disciples of the Moon God Palace on the side saw this, they couldn't help but laugh.

They think this child is really cute.

At a young age, he pretended to be an adult.

"Huh? Sect Master Dugu, Elder Wen, how are you..."

As soon as he entered the Palace Master Hall, the Palace Master Ying Yinyin had already discovered Dugu Zui and Wen Yi.

However, before she finished her words, Ye Meng's eyes were already attracted.

When she first saw Ye Meng, Ying Yinyin's heart trembled.

This kid is so cute.

She was so cute that she couldn't help but want to step forward and pinch his little face.

It's just that she still knew her identity anyway, and she abruptly endured it.

However, her gaze was unable to look away.

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