Divine Child System

Chapter 2427: Scared the Nebula Palace

"Old man Wen, good job!"

Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

Wen Yi immediately lowered his waist and smiled flatly.

"These are all the little gods, you are great, if it weren't for the yin-yang mirror you gave, how can the little guy be like today?"

Wen Yi is very witty, although his flattery is a bit obvious.

But Ye Meng didn't care, and he waved his small hand.

A magic weapon was thrown at Wen Yi.

"This is the Xinghuang Flag. Your cultivation level is not high. It is not enough to protect yourself if you have the yin-yang mirror. This Xinghuang flag can protect you from any attack!"

The Xinghuang flag is also a magic weapon of mythology, and its defensive power can be called against the sky.

With this apricot flag, it is equivalent to Wen Yi's body, with a layer of tortoise shell directly added.

Now, he has both offense and defense, even if he is even Dugu drunk, he has to retreat!

"Thank you little fairy, the little man will swear allegiance to the death!"

Wen Yi simply exploded with joy, such a flattery, he even won the Xinghuang Flag.

This made him feel like he was dreaming.

"I really envy!"

Dugu drunk on the side, looked at Wen Yi with some envy.

Gao Shou and others were stunned.

A single yin-yang mirror has shocked them enough!

Now, there is an extra apricot flag!

God, these are all ancient myths!

Want to be so scary?

However, by now, if Gao Shou and others say that they can't see the situation clearly, they won't have to live anymore.

"It's this kid, everything is the reason for this kid!"

A child who can freely reward ancient myths and magic weapons, Gaoshou and others, have never heard of it.

So, they stunned!

"This...little god, coming to the Nebula Palace makes me flattered!"

Gao Shou's stuttering voice came out.

However, he is obviously not a flatterer.

Originally pleased Ye Meng's words, because he was not articulate and sounded disrespectful.

Ye Meng frowned upon hearing this.

"Don't fix that useless set, this baby asks you, can the Nebula Palace sell it?"

Ye Meng's words are straightforward.

It didn't look like it was in the Moon God Palace.

But this is not surprising, Moon God Palace has no grievances with him, and Ying Yinyin and others have been very polite!

Ye Meng naturally wouldn't, speaking coldly to the Moon God Palace.

But the Nebula Palace is different.

The Nebula Palace itself provoked Ye Meng, but they didn't know it!

Moreover, as soon as the Nebula Palace came up, they called five and six!

If it weren't for Wen Yi to use the Yin Yang Mirror, they would be shocked!

I am afraid, this group of people will not give up yet!

"Buy Nebula Palace?"

Gao Shou and others were taken aback when they heard this.

They had heard the wind faintly before.

But at the time, Gao Shou and the others didn't care at all.

Now combined with the situation on the spot.

I'm afraid that the Killing Shrine and Moon Shrine have all fallen into the hands of the child in front of them!

Otherwise, how can he generously reward the other party with the magic weapon of ancient mythology?

However, Nebula Palace is no better than the other three sects!

Their sect residence is related to the luck to the Nebula Palace.

Because, in the residence of the Nebula Palace, there is a spiritual vein.

This spiritual vein is now completely integrated with the various buildings in the Nebula Palace!

Without this spiritual vein, the number of geniuses that can rise in the Nebula Palace in the future will surely be reduced by more than half!

And such a result is unacceptable to Nebula Palace.

Therefore, it is impossible to give up the Zongmen residence.

Thinking of this, Gao Shou's face barely squeezed a smile.

"Little god, the territory of the sect is very important, and this sect cannot be the master. I hope the little **** will forgive me!"

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