Divine Child System

Chapter 2428: Supreme elder of the Fanxian level

Gao Shou's words, although euphemistic.

However, the meaning in the words is very clear.

That is, to talk about other things, we welcome it. As for the issue of the sect site, it is better to avoid the respect.

Ye Meng nodded after hearing it.

The next moment, his childish voice of milky milk sounded instantly.

"Old man Wen, Dugu drunk, smash this baby, and talk about it after smashing Nebula Palace!"

The voice fell, Wen Yi and Dugu drunk, suddenly bowed to lead.

The Gao Shou and others on the opposite side were all shocked.

Isn't that special, this kid is so irritable?

If you don't agree, you're going to smash it?

What a shit?

Wen Yi smiled sternly, and Dugu drunk also took out Fan Tianyin.

"Stop, I have something to say!"

Gao Shou's voice was full of anxiety.

It's a pity, how did Wen Yi and Du Gu Zui give him a chance to stop?

Wen Yi's yin-yang mirror flashed, and an elder of the Nebula Palace fell down.

However, compared to the Yin Yang mirror, Dugu Drunk Fan Tianyin obviously looked more terrifying.


There was a loud noise, and a building in the Nebula Palace instantly turned into fly ash.

The surrounding Gaoshou and others saw their eyes cracked and their scalp numb.

Only then did they know that the Dugu Zui in front of them actually had an ancient mythological magic weapon.


In the eyes of Gao Shou and others, they all showed aggrieved expressions.

Can you not be aggrieved? They were all knocked on the door, they were almost rubbed against the ground.

"Smash, keep smashing!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand and said milky voice.

He doesn't care about the up and down of the Nebula Palace, and is not suffocated.

Anyway, if the other party is so ignorant, then hit it, hit it to the point.

The smashed Nebula Palace is up and down, so far.

"Yes, little fairy!"

Dugu was drunk and immediately bowed to answer.

Wen Yi's yin-yang mirror is good for dealing with people, but it is not good for such large-scale damage.

Therefore, Ye Meng's instructions were actually only for Dugu Zui.

"Hateful, hateful!"

Gao Shou's eyes showed deep hatred.

He hates, hates the little boy in front of him, hates Dugu drunk, hates Wenyi.

He even hated Ying Yinyin and Luo Ruyan who had not spoken since they came in!

No way, who is Gao Shou and the others, it is so miserable now?

Watching his sect be smashed, but he didn't dare to resist?


Just when Dugu was drunk and happily hitting, a loud shout suddenly came over.

Hearing this voice, the eyes of Gao Shou and all the elders were filled with ecstasy.

This is the Supreme Elder of their Nebula Palace.

Unlike other sects, the Supreme Elders of the Nebula Palace are all veritable.

Although the number of people is small, all of them have broken through the Tribulation Period, and are now at the level of mortal immortals.

Fanxian, don't look at it with a common word, but it's also one of the immortals.

Although it is the bottom of the immortal existence, and it has not been able to fly to the immortal world.

However, in the realm of cultivating immortals, it is an invincible existence.

The several celestial elders of the Nebula Palace are hidden deeply.

The other sects didn't even know their existence.

But now, they have been forced out by Dugu drunk.

"who are you?"

Hearing the loud shout, Dugu Zui took advantage of the opportunity and collected the Heavenly Seal, and a look of jealousy was wiped in his eyes.

The voice just now was full of terrifying coercion, making his soul feel terrified.

It can be seen that the opponent is definitely a strong one who is extremely difficult to entangle.

As for the opponent's realm, Dugu Zui didn't dare to think about it.

He was afraid of being scared!

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