Divine Child System

Chapter 2464: Demon Rock Mountain

When the Silver Moon Wolf King heard Ye Meng's words, he was overjoyed.

Although he was cruel, he was really good to his son.

Moreover, the conflict between him and Ye Meng was originally caused by the twelve sons.

Now, Ye Meng is willing to let these twelve righteous sons be released from the list of conferred gods.

For the Silver Moon Wolf King, there was no regret.

Immediately, the Silver Moon Wolf King respectfully welcomed Ye Meng into Silver Moon Mountain and began to visit.

Yinyue Mountain was originally the cave mansion of a Jinxian monk.

The whole mountain is not very big, but it is full of Taoist atmosphere and the scenery is excellent.

"Master, this is a thin line of sky, the entire Ten Thousand Demons Ridge, the best place!"

When the Silver Moon Wolf King took Ye Meng and Shen Hongye to the front line of the sky, he stopped to explain to Ye Meng.

As he spoke, the silvermoon wolf king's face carried a trace of pride.

After all, Yixiantian could be regarded as an extremely famous scenic spot in the entire Ten Thousand Demons Ridge.

Many Demon Kings are envious of this.

Don't think that a mere scene is nothing.

In fact, this line of sky can be envied by many demon kings, and it also has a great function, that is, the line of sky can make monks realize the profound meaning of heaven.

This is the reason why many demon kings are envious of this.

The Silvermoon Wolf King's ability to surpass many demon kings and step into the Taiyi Golden Immortal level is also due to the relationship of enlightenment in the front line.

"It looks really good!"

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words.

Although it was a thin line of sky, it was nothing to him.

But in the area of ​​Wanyaoling, the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou, it can be called a geomantic treasure.

While talking to himself, a little demon suddenly rushed over in a panic.

"My lord, it's not good!"

"In a panic, in what manner?"

Upon seeing this, the Silver Moon Wolf King yelled first.

Then, he asked in a deep voice.

"what happened?"

"Great King, the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain is here!"

Hearing this, the little demon quickly answered.

Suddenly hearing the words Moyanshan, the expression of Silvermoon Wolf King suddenly changed.

Seeing this, Ye Meng asked milky voice.

"what happened?"

"Master, we, Wan Yaoling, are under the rule of Moyan Mountain. This time the special envoy came here for tribute!"

Silvermoon Wolf King said with an ugly expression.

Among the monster races, the order is strict.

Forces like Wan Yaoling belong to the bottom of the monster race.

Above them, a power like Demon Rock Mountain ruled.

Of course, Moyan Mountain would not interfere in the daily government affairs of the forces underneath.

However, every hundred years, Wan Yaoling needs to pay tribute to Moyan Mountain for resources, treasures, etc.

Moreover, Moyan Mountain has a huge appetite, and every time you pay tribute, at least half of the storage in Wan Yaoling must be searched!

Therefore, the low-level forces like Ten Thousand Demons Mountain basically have a headache when they hear the word tribute.

They weren't Moyanshan's opponents at all, so naturally they didn't dare not pay tribute.

But once the tribute is paid, almost half of the resources and treasures accumulated over a century will be taken away by Moyan Mountain.

Faced with such a situation, all the low-level forces dare not speak.

Wan Yaoling has paid tribute to Moyan Mountain nine times since it was unified by the Silver Moon Wolf King.

This year, it happens to be the first millennium, and it is the year of tribute.

Therefore, after the Silver Moon Wolf King heard the Little Demon's words, his face suddenly changed.

"My lord, I heard from the special envoy that the ancestors of Moyan will host a ten-thousand-year birthday banquet this year, so...so the tributes of each family must be doubled!"

The little demon stammered.

As soon as this remark came out, the Silvermoon Wolf King suddenly changed color!

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