Divine Child System

Chapter 2465: This person is not a fool

The tribute items are doubled. Doesn't this mean that Silver Wolf Mountain will completely fall apart?

This made Silvermoon Wolf King completely unacceptable.

It's just that the Demon Rock Mountain is so big that Silver Moon Wolf King didn't dare to have any objections.

Back then, the Demon King who had expressed objections to Demon Rock Mountain, now the grass on the tomb head is several feet tall.

"Master, I will meet the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain first!"

The Silver Moon Wolf Dynasty bowed to Ye Meng.

Ye Meng waved his hand when he heard the words and said milkyly.

"go Go!"

Silvermoon Wolf King bowed again, and hurried away.

But Ye Meng and Shen Hongye wandered around on Yinyue Mountain.

After about a cup of tea, a frightening atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire Yinyue Mountain.

Then, an unruly voice rang.

"Lang Yin, don't toast or eat fine wine, this deity warns you, if you don't pay tribute as usual, be careful that this deity will destroy you Yinyue Mountain now!"

This voice reverberated continuously throughout Yinyue Mountain.

Obviously, what kind of special envoy this is!

Ye Meng was immediately angry when he heard this!

"In front of this baby, so arrogant!"

"Little brother, such behaviors must not be encouraged!"

After hearing this, Shen Hongye replied flatly.

Ye Meng nodded and waved his small hand.

"Go, wait for this baby to see what kind of stuff it is, dare to be so arrogant!"

The voice fell, Ye Meng stepped out.

Shen Hongye followed.

After a few breaths, the two appeared in the Silver Moon Hall.

At this moment, the Silver Moon Wolf King was kneeling to the ground with a look of fear.

But in front of him, there was a man with a sullen expression standing.

This man is naturally the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain.

"Who are you and who let you in?"

The man, apparently also spotted Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, instantly sank his face and scolded.

As the special envoy of Demon Rock Mountain, no matter he walks into the power of any Demon King under Demon Rock Mountain, he will be treated like a star holding the moon.

This time, when he came to Yinyue Mountain, it was a little demon who received him at first.

This had already made him extremely dissatisfied, after the Silver Moon Wolf King appeared.

On the matter of paying tribute, he hesitated, not at all.

Therefore, he burst out his anger in an instant!

Now, I met Ye Meng and Shen Hongye again, and suddenly broke into the hall.

This makes the Envoy of Magic Rock Mountain, how can he be patient!

"It's over, the master is here!"

When Silvermoon Wolf King saw this, he secretly groaned.

He didn't ask Ye Meng for help at first, and he didn't want Ye Meng to be involved in this matter.

Because, in his opinion, although the master Ye Meng is powerful, he may not be the opponent of the ancestor of Demon Rock.

Once Ye Meng was also involved, he might be killed by the Demon Rock Ancestor.

This is something Silvermoon Wolf King does not want to see.

Although he was surrendered by Ye Meng's force, the Silver Moon Wolf King was a man of love and justice.

Now that he has acknowledged the Lord, he will not have other careful thoughts in his heart.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear the deity?"

The special envoy of Moyan Mountain, seeing Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, ignored him, and immediately became furious.

The next moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Ye Meng!

As the late Taiyi Golden Immortal, he always had his eyes higher than the top, and a little kid and a bad old man were not in his eyes at all!

Similarly, he also completely ignored the face of Silvermoon Wolf King.

One shot is the ultimate move!

"Little brother, is this man a fool? He wants to die?"

Shen Hongye suddenly sneered when the special envoy of Moyanshan suddenly took action!

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