Divine Child System

Chapter 2466: Why did he not have eyes

Of course, Shen Hongye is qualified to despise Moyanshan's envoy.

He is the person who knows Ye Meng best, he used to be like the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain, a guy who couldn't help himself.

In the end, the fate obtained is undoubtedly extremely miserable.

Now, this guy has to be added to the top iron baby list.

Ye Meng replied with a smile after hearing the words.

"No way, who told him to have no eyes!"

The voice of milky milk fell, and Shen Hongye suddenly laughed.

But the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain felt a wave of anger in his heart.

As for the Silver Moon Wolf King, he was frightened, and his face showed the feeling of something bad.

"court death……"

The Demon Rock Mountain envoy roared, and the word "seeking death" had just been uttered.

He suddenly felt that his eyes went dark, and then he couldn't see anything.

"My eyes, my eyes are out of sight!"

Suddenly blind, the envoy of Moyanshan couldn't stop the chaos.

He is like an ant on a hot pot, spinning around in place.

"Gosh, what's going on?"

Upon seeing this, the Silvermoon Wolf King on the side took a deep breath.

His face was full of amazement.

At this time, the face of the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain had two eyes wiped out of thin air, which was indescribable.

"It's you, it's you!"

After all, the Special Envoy of Demon Rock Mountain is also a monk at the level of the Demon King. After a panic, he forced himself to calm down.

But unfortunately, Ye Meng's voice rang again.

"You talk so much, my baby thinks, you should stop talking!"

This sentence was just finished, and the face of the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain who was roaring again and again, his mouth disappeared instantly.


Upon seeing this, Silvermoon Wolf King took a breath again.

There was a chill in his heart.

It's weird and terrible!

Until now, the Silver Moon Wolf King realized that the master he had just recognized seemed to be far more terrifying than he had imagined!

"Whatever you turn, don't ask for your feet!"

Seeing the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain, who was still spinning around, Ye Meng curled his lips and said with milk.

The voice of the milky child just fell, and the legs of the envoy of Moyanshan were wiped out of thin air.

Without legs, he had already crashed to the ground.

His hands were constantly dancing, and his face instantly became extremely pale.

Today, although he can't speak or see things, he can still see clearly in his heart.

He knew that he had met the iron plate.

Hit the iron plate with one head.

The kid just now is obviously a terrifying character.

It can't be done, the ancestor of Moyan Mountain may not be that kid's opponent.

At this point, the envoy had begun to drip blood in his heart.

Now, even if he wanted to ask Rao, he couldn't do it.

"You disappear, it's really an eye-catching look!"

Ye Meng glanced at the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain and grinded her teeth.

As soon as this statement was made, the envoy of Moyan Mountain was instantly erased out of thin air and disappeared without a trace.

"It's over!"

Watching the envoy of Demon Rock Mountain disappear, the Silver Moon Wolf King suddenly shook his heart.

Moyan Mountain has ruled the Quartet Monster Clan for a long time, and has accumulated great power.

In the heart of Silvermoon Wolf King, the ancestor of Demon Rock had already become an invincible incarnation.

Therefore, he suddenly saw that Ye Meng had lost the Envoy of Demon Rock Mountain, which was naturally very bad.

"the host……"

He raised his head and called out cautiously.

When Shen Hongye heard the words, he laughed.

"Old Wolf, are you worried about Demon Rock Mountain's reaction?"

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