Divine Child System

Chapter 2501: Sakyamuni's plan

Sakyamuni personally set up the bureau, and on the way to learn the scriptures, he created a drama of true and false Monkey King.

Of course, the one who played the fake monkey king at the beginning was naturally the six-eared macaque.

But unfortunately, what Sakyamuni didn't expect was that the six-eared macaque, like Monkey King, belonged to the same four monkeys.

How could he really put Monkey King to death?

Therefore, the six-eared macaque and Monkey King played a tricky play and successfully deceived Sakyamuni.

From then on, Monkey King escaped from the prison of learning, and went to pursue freedom.

But the six-eared macaque played the role of Monkey King and followed Tang Seng and others all the way to Lingshan.

But who is Shakyamuni?

The tricks of Monkey King and the six-eared macaque can fool him for a while, but they can't fool him for a lifetime.

When the six-eared macaque entered Lingshan, Sakyamuni had discovered his true identity.

In his anger, Sakyamuni shot himself and suppressed the six-eared macaque in the lock demon pool at the back of Lingshan Mountain.

Then, in order to conceal people's eyes and ears, he let Lingxu Moyuan pretend to be Monkey King and call him a fight to defeat the Buddha!

Originally, learning the scriptures was a conspiracy of Buddhism.

In addition, it was also Sakyamuni, who made a show in order to promote his disciple Jin Chanzi upright.

No matter how hard Sun Wukong is, he cannot be named Buddha.

But now, this Monkey King is a spiritual ape.

In order to appease the ape with extraordinary origins, Sakyamuni could only bite the bullet and sealed it as a battle and victory over the Buddha.

It can be regarded as an explanation to Lingxu Moyuan.

This is the origin of the fake Monkey King Yuan Tianyu.

However, after that, because Zhu Bajie, Monk Sha and others who had been in contact with Yuan Tianyu for a long time, gradually discovered that something was wrong with their senior brother.

Therefore, in order to prevent this news from leaking out, Sakyamuni simply did nothing and did nothing, and put Zhu Bajie and others into the lock demon pool.

And several demon kings kept secretly by him, posing as Zhubajie, Monk Sha, and Xiaobailong.

As for his apprentice Jin Chanzi, Sakyamuni didn't start.

Moreover, there is no need to start!

Because Jin Chanzi, who was reincarnated as a Tang monk, became obsessed with the love of men and women after taking the scriptures.

At this point, Sakyamuni was very angry.

However, at this time the Yaozu began to move around again.

He didn't care about Tang Seng for a while, so he started to make arrangements for Yaozu affairs.

Therefore, besides the fake Monkey King Yuan Tianyu, the pig Gang is also pretending to be other demon kings.

This is why Ye Meng found that after seeing Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, his personality was completely different from that in the copy of Journey to the West.

"Brother, what are you going to do? Will you just take down the child?"

Zhu Ganglu, no, it should be said that pig bitter meditation, he raised his head and looked at Yuan Tianyu and asked.

Pig Kuchan is one of the demon kings raised by Sakyamuni, and his body is also a pig demon.

Originally, Zhu Kuchan was a big domestic boar at the foot of Lingshan.

Perhaps because he has been baptized by Buddhist sounds for a long time, he gradually began to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

After Sakyamuni found it, if he was a treasure, he was incorporated into Lingshan and gradually cultivated as a demon king.

Now, this Zhu Gang Hyena also has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, not much worse than Zhu Bajie.

But this guy has never experienced any real combat.

Therefore, in terms of actual combat ability, it must be far inferior to Zhu Bajie.

That's why, when he saw the appearance of Red Boy earlier, he immediately recognized the reason.

"Not in a hurry, this kid will definitely not leave Shituoling in the short term. We will slowly turn into it, so as not to startle the snake and alarm other demon kings!"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Tianyu waved his hand and said.

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