Divine Child System

Chapter 2502: Shituoling Southern Suburb

"Brother, then we..."

Hearing the words, Zhu Kuchan looked slightly stunned, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Yuan Tianyu sneered, looking like a bamboo on his chest.

"Let's see if we can get close to this child. If he is in good contact, we might as well lie back to Lingshan directly to avoid any accidents!"

"But if the other party is not good at cheating, then wait three days before taking the opportunity to start!"

Yuan Tianyu said, the monkey's face was full of gloomy expressions.

After Zhu Kuchan heard it, he suddenly felt like he did.

"Three days later is the day when the heavenly envoys will arrive. Could it be that Senior Brother is planning to..."

"That's right, misfortune, this time it is Kui Muxing Jun who came from the Heavenly Court. He went down to earth in private and turned into a yellow robe monster, so he has friendship with the monster race!"

"However, because of Princess Hundred Flowers, this person has become extremely hated towards humans, so..."

Yuan Tianyu sneered again and again, and the pig bitter zen on the side was admired.


While Yuan Tianyu and Zhu Kuchan were making plans in private, Ye Meng was not idle either.

At this time, he was teaching the Red Child Samadhi Divine Fire.

The samādhi sacred fire is far beyond the real fire of samādhi.

Even Red Boy is naturally good at controlling fire.

But when condensing the samādhi sacred fire, he also suffered a lot.

However, Ye Meng was quite satisfied with Red Boy.

This guy, when he condensed the flames, was almost destroyed by the samādhi sacred fire, but he still had no fear at all.

"It's done, you can now condense the samādhi sacred fire, but you must practice diligently to control the details, and you must not slacken!"

Seeing Hong Haier, already able to condense the samādhi sacred fire, Ye Meng nodded with satisfaction.

He himself is a master who is lazy in cultivating, but he has extremely high demands on others.

"Thank you elder brother for your kindness!"

Hong Haier withdrew the samādhi sacred fire, suddenly fell to his knees, and respectfully bowed to Ye Meng.

Like Ye Meng, he can already be called his red boy's mentor.

Now, the other party not only didn't let him treat each other like a disciple, but instead recognized him as his younger brother.

This kindness, Red Boy will naturally keep in mind.

Although he is the Demon King, he has killed innocent people before, even right and wrong.

However, he paid special attention to kindness.

It is precisely because of this that Hong Haier has always held a grudge against Monkey King.

Similarly, when the Bull Demon King shot for him, Red Boy's impression of the Bull Demon King was greatly changed.

Otherwise, he would have been cut off from the Cow Demon King En.

How come to Shituoling?

Although the relationship between their father and son has not yet eased, at least it is developing towards the better side!

All in all, Hong Hai'er can be regarded as a demon king with distinct grievances.

This is what Ye Meng values ​​most.

Because he didn't want to cultivate a white-eyed wolf.

"It's done, take this baby to Shituoling!"

Ye Meng waved his hand and lifted the red boy up, and then said milky voice.

When he first came to Shituoling, a series of changes happened, so that he hadn't visited Shituoling yet.

He wanted to see how the Shituoling here was different from the Shituoling of the Westward Journey dungeon.

"yes, Sir!"

Hong Haier replied respectfully when he heard the words.

Soon, a little smile appeared on his little face.

"Brother, Shituoling has nothing special, but there is a good place dozens of miles away in the southern suburbs of Shituoling!"

"I wonder if you are interested, go shopping?"

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