Divine Child System

Chapter 2513: Candid everything

"Then why are you impersonating Monkey King?"

Ye Meng retracted his gaze and looked at Yuan Tianyu again.

He was very curious, why this guy called Yuan Tianyu would pretend to be Monkey King.

Moreover, is Monkey King still alive now?

"This is a long story..."

Yuan Tianyu was also honest, and soon said everything.

Including how he was released from the land of nothingness by Sakyamuni, and how he took the opportunity to worship into Buddhism!

And how did Monkey King offend Sakyamuni, how to play a good show with the six-eared macaque in front of the Buddha!

Later, it was Sakyamuni who discovered the truth, but Monkey King was nowhere to be found.

Then it was Yuan Tianyu, who began to pretend to be Monkey King and defeated the Buddha as a fight.

Even, why he appeared in Shituoling, they all confessed one by one.

"You mean, you have been ordered by Sakyamuni to come here to overthrow the monster race?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, and asked with milk.

Yuan Tianyu heard the words and nodded.

"Yes, dare not hide anything!"

After Ye Meng heard it, he became curious again.

The mystery of Monkey King is solved. Although Monkey King has disappeared now, he is still alive after all!

However, since this Yuan Tianyu is a person of Sakyamuni, why would he directly claim his identity and even confess everything?

"Are you not afraid that if the fat man Shakyamuni finds out, he will trouble you?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, and asked with milk.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Tianyu laughed bitterly.

"Sakyamuni and I are just cooperating, and we can't talk about him!"

"Now, you give me the feeling that it is stronger than Sakyamuni, and Yuan Tianyu is only willing to cooperate with the strong!"

This Yuan Tianyu was honest and did not conceal anything.

After Ye Meng heard it, his heart suddenly became stunned.

"It turns out that this guy is a fanatic!"

"Don't have any thoughts. The Void Demon Ape is just like that. It can even bow down to the strong!"

Upon seeing this, Yuan Tianyu explained.

He was transformed by the servile resentment among the resentment of three thousand gods and demons, and he was born like this.

Unlike the other three apes, they are all transformed by violence, killing, madness, etc., so these three apes have already turned into fly ash!

But Yuan Tianyu, he is still alive.

He was even ready to surrender to that terrifying power at the beginning, but that terrifying power fell unexpectedly, so that he was trapped in the void for countless years, and it was not until the era of Westward Journey that he escaped!

"Then what are your plans now? Don't talk about cooperating with this baby, you are not qualified!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, and said milky voice.

Yuan Tianyu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Immediately, he nodded.

"It seems that you are indeed stronger than Sakyamuni, he doesn't have this confidence!"

As Yuan Tianyu spoke, his expression was indifferent.

Speaking of which, Sakyamuni is also a great figure in the final stage!

The original Shakyamuni was a Daobao Daoist, the great disciple of Jiejiao!

After the War of Conferring the Gods, he received guidance from Lao Tzu, turned into Sakyamuni, and took refuge in the Western religion at that time!

After that, Sakyamuni seized power secretly and took the two holy sages of the West.

Because he is backed by Lao Tzu, the second sage of the West still dare not do anything to him.

I had to watch Sakyamuni and change the Western religion to Buddhism!

The two sages of the West were indifferent to this, and other powerful people of the Western religion naturally did not dare to act rashly. They even thought that Sakyamuni did this under the order of the two sages!

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