Divine Child System

Chapter 2514: Buddhist power changes

As Sakyamuni’s methods were extremely clever, there was very little opposition from the entire Western religion.

The few opponents, such as the Taoist of Burning Lanterns, Fearing Sun and others, were even beaten by Sakyamuni, directly evading all the rights in his hands!

He even came up with the gimmick of past Buddha, present Buddha, and future Buddha, and completely quelled the originally dissatisfied Western religious people!

Among them, the burning lantern is sealed as the ancient Buddha burning lantern, which is for the past Buddha.

This name is naturally loud and loud, and even sits on an equal footing with Sakyamuni, and his status is equal!

But in fact, the old and cunning Taoist Taoist had never played Sakyamuni, and was completely empty!

As for the current Buddha, of course it is the Tathagata Buddha, that is, Sakyamuni.

To put it in layman terms, he is the current authority in Buddhism, and the Taoist priest is a retired leader!

As for the future Buddha, Sakyamuni gave Fear the grandson!

The anti-skeletal boy who is afraid of leaving his grandchildren was originally one of the twelve golden immortals who explained the teachings, and the precious apprentice of Yuanshi Tianzun!

However, after the War of Conferring Gods, he turned his back on the teachings of interpretation and turned to Western religions.

In addition, it has won the trust of the Western Two Saints!

Among the anti-bone boys who interpret and teach, the fear of keeping grandchildren is considered the best!

Therefore, in order to quell the power of interpretation in Western religion!

Only then will Sakyamuni call his grandson the future Buddha!

In other words, to explain, that is to be afraid that the grandson will be regarded as the prince, the future Buddhist heir!

This empty check, the promise crackling!

But in fact, anyone who knows a little bit of the emperor's mind can see through Sakyamuni's methods at a glance!

The emperor of the world has birth, aging, sickness, and death, so no matter how long the old emperor lives, the prince always has hope!

But Sakyamuni was different, he was already at the level of a saint, only a step away!

It can almost be said to be immortal, so if you are afraid of leaving the grandson of the future Buddha, you will always be the prince!

Therefore, Sakyamuni played extremely beautifully.

How can the Western congregants who have just evolved from savages and have not yet developed their IQs know that Sakyamuni can play so well?

They also naively thought that Sakyamuni made such an arrangement because he respected the Taoist Burning Lamp and trusted his grandchildren so much, so everyone praised him!

In this way, the Taoist people who burn the lanterns and the fear of staying with their grandchildren can be regarded as suffering.

After all, Shakyamuni made arrangements like this. If they still have opinions, the Western congregation might be completely disgusted with them.

After making such an arrangement, Sakyamuni began to plan and instigate the original sect.

He directly differentiated the relationship between the fearful grandson and the Taoist Cihangdao, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and the real person Samantabhadra.

So much so that later, the grandson of Maitreya Buddha who had become the fearful grandson of Maitreya Buddha almost became enemies with Cihang and others!

Because, although the three of Cihang did not get the position of Buddha, they were granted the position of Bodhisattva!

Especially the people of Cihangdao became Guanyin Bodhisattva, and there are countless followers who enjoy the power of incense continuously!

Even, because of the special status of Guanyin, she almost has more authority than the Buddha!

This undoubtedly made Fear and his grandson jealous, so he left Lingshan and wandered the world as Maitreya Buddha, intending to compete with Guanyin for believers!

The sect of interpretation, completely collapsed!

After achieving this goal, Sakyamuni began to look at the Yaozu again!

Just when he was about to attack the monster clan, his apprentice Jin Chanzi was bewitched by the Taoist priest, so that he broke the precepts in public!

As a last resort, Sakyamuni had to punish Jin Chanzi's reincarnation and repaired it again!

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