Divine Child System

Chapter 2515: Rights dispute

As a result, Sakyamuni re-planned the plan to learn the scriptures.

First, in order to let his precious apprentice Jin Chanzi, preach to the Buddha.

Secondly, it was because he found out the reason for burning the lamp!

As the life in Buddhism was not easy, the capricious super anti-bone daoist who started to think again!

He secretly reconnected with the evangelists, intending to return to evangelism!

But it is a pity that Yuanshi Tianzun hates his betrayal very much, and his disillusion blocked his desire to return to elucidation!

The jealous Taoist Taoist turned his head and leaned to teach!

He knew that Lao Tzu, who was taught by others, had been worried about Buddhism becoming bigger.

The Shakyamuni incident was planned by him!

However, after Sakyamuni became the climate, he gradually ceased to obey Lao Tzu's orders, so that his intention of damaging Western religion was shattered!

As a last resort, Laozi incarnates as Taishang Laojun and enters the heavenly court, trying to use the heavenly court as a knife against Buddhism!

It's just that the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Court is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he can see through the plot of Taishang Laojun at a glance!

While he was sloppy with the Taishang Laojun, while he was eyeing Shakyamuni, hooking up!

When Taishang Laojun knew, he was naturally furious.

As a saint, has he ever been so aggrieved?

It is a pity that during the Conferred God War, all the saints fought, almost forced the Master Tongtian to reopen the fire and wind.

Hongjun Daozu, who was incarnate in the way of heaven, was extremely angry about this, and set a rule that the saint could not handle.

Therefore, even if Taishang Laojun is a saint, he didn't dare to do it directly, and then there were various secret plans.

After driving the Heavenly Court to deal with Buddhism failed, in order to warn the Jade Emperor.

Taishang Laojun created Monkey King again, and secretly supported Monkey King in making the Heavenly Palace!

However, the Jade Emperor saw through everything, he deliberately invited Sakyamuni to suppress Monkey King.

Sakyamuni's intentions for the Jade Emperor are naturally clear.

However, he was planning a plan to learn from the scriptures at the time, and Monkey King was an excellent candidate!

Therefore, he took action and suppressed Monkey King in Wuxing Mountain for five hundred years!

Laozi's plan failed one after another, but he was unwilling to send people to obstruct the plan!

Therefore, most of the so-called ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties in the journey came from Laozi.

This is why, after being suppressed for 500 years, Monkey King's strength seems to be weak to the extreme!

When I meet a slightly more powerful Demon King, I have to borrow soldiers!

In fact, Monkey King is nothing but work!

Several forces fought endlessly behind their backs, but in the end Sakyamuni was victorious and ended.

However, the bigwigs of the various forces are not just waiting.

Under the arrangement of Lao Tzu, Guanyin began to sit up again!

Until now, the influence of Guanyin among the people has far exceeded that of Buddhism, and even Sakyamuni, the Tathagata Buddha, must be afraid of it!

Buddhism has begun a new round of competition for power!

Taking advantage of the time when Buddhism was too busy to take care of himself, I once again fanned the flames and incited the demon kings of the demon race!

These demon kings have risen one after another, forming a demon clan alliance.

As a result, a third force appeared on the bright side of the heavens—the Demon Race Alliance!

It is detached from Buddhism and Heavenly Court, and is a school of its own!

Speaking of this, Yuan Tianyu stopped.

"I have said everything I know, and if you ask again, there will be nothing to ask!"

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