Divine Child System

Chapter 2538: Slap flying

When Ye Meng entered the field, Nine Heads had already been waiting for where.

Ye Meng could clearly see the eyes of Nine-headed Insect, and wiped a look of disdain.

Obviously, he didn't put Ye Meng in his eyes at all.

But this is also normal. In the heavens, those who are famous for being boys, apart from the red boy, there is nothing left!

Whether it is Red Boy or Nezha, although they are extraordinary in strength.

But if compared with those old demon kings, they are undoubtedly slightly worse.

And the nine-headed insects, Xiang from the veteran demon king.

Now, seeing the demon king appearing again in the form of a boy, he naturally felt a little contemptuous in his heart.

These nine worms were not in Shituoling a few days ago, they arrived today.

Therefore, he didn't even know Ye Meng's identity.

"Boy, this king has three tricks for you, let's do it!"

Nine-headed insect stood with his hand, proudly said.

Hearing the words, Ye Meng curled his small mouth and looked up and down at the nine-headed insect.

At this time, the nine-headed insect, due to the snarling dog, had already bitten off one head, only eight heads remained.

Perhaps, it's time to call him Octopus.

"You want to make this baby three tricks? Are you sure?"

Ye Meng's milk asked rhetorically.


Hearing the words, the nine-headed insect replied proudly.

As soon as his voice fell, he saw that Ye Meng had stretched out his little hand and patted it with a palm!

"Hehe, I don't know if this little arm and leg can hurt people!"

Seeing this, the nine-headed insects sneered.

It was really because Ye Meng was too young, even younger than the youngest red boy in the heavens.

Therefore, the contempt of the nine head insects comes from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Meng's slap was very fast, and in a blink of an eye he arrived in front of the Nine Heads.

Upon seeing the nine-headed worm, although his heart was contemptuous, his inner power was also activated.

After all, the nine-headed insect is suspicious and cunning!

Therefore, it is normal for him to react like this.


The immortal power in the nine-headed insect had just started to work, and Ye Meng's palm had already been slapped!

In the next moment, Nine-headed insects only felt that a majestic force came instantly!

"not good!"

His heart jumped suddenly.

Before he could react, his body flew out involuntarily!

He didn't fly horizontally, but flew straight into the air.

"My God, what's the situation?"

"Hiss, Nine-headed insect was slapped flying?"

"This kid is so terrible, even the nine-headed bug can't stop him from slapping him!"

"Abnormal, violent!"

All the demon kings were in an uproar when they saw the nine-headed insects flying straight to the sky.

The demon kings such as the Lion and Camel King, Peng Demon King, and Flood Demon King were even more shocked.

Although, they already had a certain understanding of Ye Meng's strength.

But they discovered at this time that their so-called understanding was not accurate at all.

Seeing pity, they originally thought that Ye Meng was just better than Red Boy.

But it is slightly worse than their group of Demon Kings!

Now it seems that they all looked down on Ye Meng!

"Hey, why doesn't the nine-headed insect fall down?"

Suddenly, a little demon screamed in surprise.

The demon in the uproar came to realize that these nine-headed worms shouldn't be moving at all?

Could it be that after he was slapped by Ye Meng, his body was out of control?

"No, I can't sense the breath of the nine-headed insect!"

"What? You can't sense it, I thought it was only me!"

"Where are these nine-headed insects photographed?"

The lion camel king waited for the demon king, suddenly exclaimed.

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