Divine Child System

Chapter 2539: Strong, too strong

"This little friend, where did you get the nine-headed insect?"

Seeing the demon kings were inexplicably surprised, Kui Muxing Jun couldn't help but ask Ye Meng.

Ye Meng curled his small mouth when he heard the words, with a look of disapproval.

"Maybe, probably, I was photographed by this baby in Dongsheng Shenzhou!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

The demon kings even took a breath.

You know, this is Xiniu Hezhou!

Between Xiniu Hezhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou, there is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles away!

Even if it is Monkey King, it will take at least half a day to drive from Xiniu Hezhou to Dongsheng Shenzhou!

But Ye Meng said that he slapped the nine-headed insect and captured Dongsheng Shenzhou.

How can this not shock the demon kings?

"My dear, it turns out that Young Master Ye is so awesome!"

The Bull Demon was stunned, and felt inexplicably grateful.

If nothing happened last time, maybe he would fight Ye Meng for the leader now.

At the thought of Nine Heads, whose strength was not much weaker than him, was photographed in Dongsheng Shenzhou with a slap in the face of Ye Meng, and the Bull Demon couldn't help being frightened.

"Master, how terrible is it?"

Yuan Tianyu was shocked in his heart.

The more he understands Ye Meng, the more he feels that Ye Meng is unfathomable.

"Little friend, don't want to laugh, this is so far away from Dongsheng Shenzhou, how can you..."

Kui Muxingjun naturally didn't believe Ye Meng's words, and shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"You don't believe this baby?"

Ye Meng curled his mouth when he heard the words.

The next moment, he waved his wrist.


There was a crack in the void instantly.

A mirror-like wall of light gradually condensed from the cracks!

"what is this?"

When all the demon kings saw this, they all stunned.

They have never seen such magical powers.

But immediately afterwards, all the demon kings showed a suddenly realized look.

It turned out that this mirror-like wall of light could project a figure.

At this time, there is a strange place in the mirror.

"It's Dongsheng Shenzhou, close to Penglai Xiandao. I've been there!"

A demon king suddenly pointed to the mirror excitedly and yelled.

Upon hearing the words, the demon kings felt relieved.

It turned out to be Dongsheng Shenzhou, and it was still close to Penglai Xiandao, which was far away.

It can be regarded as Dongsheng Shenzhou, the easternmost place.

However, this mirror projected Dongsheng Shenzhou, but why?

With a puzzled mood, all the demon kings rushed together and looked in the mirror again.

The next moment, the figure of the nine-headed insect suddenly appeared in the mirror.

He looked ashamed and embarrassed.

"Bah, baah, I will never go to Xiniu Hezhou anymore. With that kid around, I won't step into Xiniu Hezhou!"

The sound of the nine-headed insect came from the mirror.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

"My God, the nine-headed insect was really photographed in Dongsheng Shenzhou!"

"It's horrible, it's horrible!"

"It's terrible, I really can't imagine how it feels to slap a demon king whose strength is comparable to that of the Great Sage and fly to the East Sheng Shenzhou!"

"Nine-headed insects who have lost their strength are extraordinary, otherwise I think I would have been slapped into meat sauce!"

The little monsters exclaimed again and again, inexplicably shocked.

The lion camel king and other big demon kings even looked at each other, and they all saw solemn expressions in each other's eyes.

Strong, too strong!

This Ye Meng is really too strong!

It is so strong that they are a little desperate!

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