Divine Child System

Chapter 2540: This is the Great God of Yaqi


Kui Muxingjun coughed repeatedly to relieve the embarrassment in his heart.

He questioned Ye Meng just now, but he didn't expect to be beaten on the spot now.

"How about it, this baby didn't lie!"

Ye Meng glanced at Kui Muxingjun, and said milky voice.

Upon hearing this, Kui Muxing became more and more embarrassed!

Fortunately, there was a whirring sound in the mirror suddenly, which rescued him from embarrassment.

In the mirror, a group of little wild men, about one meter tall, are now surrounded by the nine-headed insects, screaming.

"what is this?"

When all the demon kings saw this, they all stunned.

They have seen a lot of humans, but for the first time they have seen such a short and ugly human.

The nine-headed insect in the mirror seemed to be taken aback by these little wild men.

"What are you doing?"

Nine-headed insects sullenly shouted loudly.

Hearing the sound of the nine-headed insects, the group of small wild people all knelt down tremblingly, kowtow and screamed!

"What are they doing? Worshiping the nine-headed insect? Hahaha, the nine-headed insect is actually worshipped?"

Upon seeing this, all the demon kings laughed happily.

It's really a scene before us, it's so funny.

"I know, I know where this is!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang from Ye Meng.

Ye Meng turned his head and looked around, but saw that it was the Rhino Demon King, and exclaimed with excitement on his face.

"Brother, tell me!"

Seeing this, all the demon kings began to inquire.

After hearing this, the rhinoceros king did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied.

"This place is called Xiaoyue Island. It is a small island at the eastern end of Dongsheng Shenzhou. The wild people on this small island have just evolved from monkeys!"

"I've been to that place and dealt with these savages. The Baqi gods they talked about, it seems that these savages regard the nine-headed insects as a Baqi god!"

As soon as the rhino demon king said this, the demon kings suddenly realized.

"Oh, nine-headed insects have become gods!"

Many demon kings began to tease the nine insects.

Ye Meng felt even more absurd after hearing it.

"Unexpectedly, the Great God Baqi actually came like this!"

In the mirror, Nine-headed insects also found this group of savages, seemingly afraid of him, but not hostile.

He immediately regained his pride.

"Er wait for the wild monkey, if you want to survive, you must always pay tribute to this king, do you understand?"

Naturally, this group of wild monkeys couldn't understand the words of Nine-headed insects.

However, there seems to be a person with a higher IQ among the wild monkeys. He seems to understand from the gestures of the nine-headed insects.

Immediately, the wild monkey screamed at the others.

Many small wild people around, instantly dispersed.

Seeing this, the nine-headed insect was puzzled.

But at this moment, the scattered little savage shot again.

It's just that this time they are holding some fruits and so on in their hands.

"Hahaha, great, just do it!"

Seeing this scene, Nine-headed insects were instantly satisfied.

The picture came to an abrupt end!

Although the demon kings can't see the back, looking at the satisfied appearance of Nine Head Insects, I'm afraid he will stay on this Xiaoyue Island for a long time!

Immediately, the demon kings no longer care about the nine-headed insects.

Their gazes fell on Ye Meng one after another, and their solemn hearts came to mind again.

Such scary kids, would they be opponents?

Could it be that when you were fighting against him, you would be slapped to the savage place?

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