Divine Child System

Chapter 2548: Taishang Laojun

"Kui Mulang pays respects to the old man!"

After entering the Palace of Dousie, King Kui Muxing came to the main hall by himself.

As soon as he entered the hall, he found the figure of Taishang Laojun, so he knelt down and bowed quickly.

"Get up!"

Hearing this, Taishang Laojun waved his hand casually.

His face was a little unhappy, no wonder the boy said that Lao Jun was in a bad mood just now!

"Lao Jun, Kui Mulang is here to return!"

Kui Muxingjun said respectfully.

Hearing this, Taishang Laojun obviously gave birth to a trace of interest.

In fact, as a saint, how can there be emotional fluctuations? Let alone a bad mood!

However, as Lao Tzu's clone, Taishang Laojun is obviously more humane.

"Did the Demon Race Alliance successfully elected the leader?"

Taishang Laojun asked lightly.

"Yes, old man!"

Upon hearing this, Kui Muxing Jun bowed back.

"Oh? Who is it? Sun Monkey or Bull Demon King or Lion Camel King?"

Although it is a sage clone, because of this era, the secret of heaven has been blocked by Dao Ancestor, so he can't calculate an accurate result.

Otherwise, why did he fail in the layout several times?

"Back to Laojun, neither is it!"

As Mr. Kui Muxing spoke, his heart began to feel anxious.

"Huh? Is there a Demon King, more powerful than these Three Demon?"

Hearing this, Taishang Laojun was surprised.

"It's a human race called Ye Yaowang, he seems to have the strength of a saint!"

Kui Muxingjun replied.

After speaking, one of his heart began to beat violently.

It depends on this moment whether Lao Jun will be furious because of this!

"Ye Yao King? Or Human Race?"

When Taishang Laojun heard this, he was not angry, but looked suspicious.

After muttering to himself, he couldn't help but mutter in secret.

"Why does this name make me feel familiar, and it seems to have a shocking feeling to me?"

As for how it feels, even he doesn't know.

However, this feeling is still lingering.

It was as if he had suffered from Ye Yaowang's loss in the dark.

However, Mr. Tai Shang soon suppressed the doubt in his heart, and his attention was focused on the second half of the sentence of Mr. Kui Muxing.

"You mean, he has the strength of a saint?"

"Yes, old gentleman, this person easily defeated the Lion Camel King in seconds, his strength is terrifying!"

Upon seeing this, Mr. Kui Muxing quickly bowed back.

The voice fell, and Laojun Taishang became more and more uncertain.

"How is this possible? According to the rules set by the master, the saint cannot make a move. If he has the strength of a saint, he will be immediately suppressed by the rules of heaven once he makes a move..."

"Maybe your eyesight is not good, this person may be the pinnacle of quasi-sage!"

Soon, the Supreme Master denied the claim that Ye Meng had the strength of a saint in the mouth of King Kui Muxing.

Mr. Kui Muxing was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

"Old gentleman wise, I think Kui Mulang is not knowledgeable enough, and he looks bad!"

He also reacted at this time that there are rules in the heavens that the saints cannot handle.

In that case, how could Ye Meng be a saint?

"A quasi-sage peak powerhouse, it is not difficult to defeat the Lion Camel King in seconds!"

Taishang Laojun waved his hand and regained his peace.

"Other than that, what is special about Ye Yao King?"

"This Ye Yao King looks only six or seven years old, a boy..."

Kui Muxing Jun thought for a while and replied.

Hearing this, the heart of Taishang Laojun suddenly beat violently.

The horrified feeling in my heart became stronger.

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