Divine Child System

Chapter 2549: Sakyamuni's wishful thinking

"Why does the old man have the feeling of losing the Ye Yao King a long time ago?"

Too Shang Lao Jun's heart is puzzled.

Logically, it was the first time he heard of the name of Ye Yao King, how could he feel this way?

"Old gentleman, what else do you want?"

Kui Muxing glanced at Taishang Laojun tremblingly.

At that moment, the aura exuding from Taishang Laojun made him terrified.

At this moment, he can't wait to leave the Palace of Dousiz immediately and never come again!

"Go down!"

Hearing this, Taishang Laojun suppressed his puzzlement and waved his hand.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Kui Muxing quickly bowed and retreated.

When he left the palace, he found that all his clothes had been wet with cold sweat!

The power of the saint can be seen from this!


On the Lingshan side, Sakyamuni naturally received news from his eyes and ears.

In fact, he has more than just Yuan Tianyu and Zhu Kuchan in the Yaozu League.

How can he bet the treasures on Yuan Tianyu and Zhu Kuchan, who is suspicious by nature.

"The Yemon King? A boy with the power of a saint?"

Hearing the news, Sakyamuni's fat face suddenly became cloudy.

Only then did he discover that he had previously misunderstood the fear of leaving his grandson.

It turned out that it was not the fear of leaving his grandson that he thought was hurting him, but the Ye Yao King.

"What a Yemon King, dare to count against me!"

"And Yuan Tianyu, you capricious villain, who betrayed the deity, the deity will surely crush you!"

After a while, Sakyamuni gritted his teeth.

He could not accept the fact that he was betrayed!

But now it seems that Yuan Tianyu is clearly in collusion with Ye Yaowang.

Therefore, the Ye Yaowang will take action to lift the prohibition for him.

As for what saint strength the Yemon King possessed, Sakyamuni didn't care about it.

He also doesn't believe this fact!

In his opinion, the so-called Yemon King, like him, is probably the pinnacle of quasi-sages, not the level of saints!

Otherwise, the Ye Yao King would have been suppressed by Heaven.

"A pinnacle quasi-sage is not easy to deal with..."

"In that case, let him go!"

Shakyamuni pondered for a moment and made a decision in his heart.

The him in his mouth was Kong Xuan, the Peacock King of Buddhism.

Kong Xuan was the quasi-sage power before he converted to Buddhism!

During the Conferred God War, Kong Xuanzeng shined brilliantly, and even the power of burning a lantern was not his opponent at all.

In the end, the saint Zhunti took the shot himself before surrendering Kong Xuan and bringing back to Lingshan.

But even so, the proud Kong Xuan did not have any sense of belonging to Buddhism.

Even, he never put Sakyamuni in his eyes.

For this Kong Xuan, Sakyamuni had long wanted to get rid of it.

Therefore, just take advantage of this opportunity to allow Kong Xuan to explore the bottom of the Ye Yao King, and secondly, to make the Ye Yao King and Kong Xuan fight both losers!

This is Sakyamuni’s wishful thinking.

In the next moment, the majestic voice of Sakyamuni came out!

The whole Lingshan was bathed in his majestic voice.

"Liontuoling Yemon King has troubled the world, poisoned the people, passed on my Buddha's order, and the Peacock Ming King quickly went to cast down the demons!"

Hearing this Buddha's order, all the Buddhas in Lingshan were taken aback, and there was a huge wave in their hearts!

"Buddha, are you preparing to start a war with the Monster Race Alliance?"

For the battle with the Yaozu Alliance, the Buddhas had already prepared for it.

But not now, but the near future!

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