Divine Child System

Chapter 2569: Intent

Hearing this, Sakyamuni suddenly wiped a trace of shame from his heart.

He also knows his fault.

Sometimes, for very simple things, he has to conspiracy.

In short, he has too many minds to make him unable to prove the Tao.

With an identity like him, Hongmeng Ziqi is naturally not a serious problem.

It doesn't matter if I was teaching in the past, or I was favored by him later, and later he converted to Western religion!

The sages such as Tongtian, Laozi, Zhunti, and Jiuying will go to Hongjun for him to obtain the majestic purple energy.

However, he has always felt so bad.

So that the chance of proving the Tao is slim!

Naturally, no one is to blame, only himself.

"Second leader, I have a sense of measure in my affairs, but the face of Buddhism cannot be provoked by others!"

Shakyamuni took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

As the saying goes, things are easy to change, but their nature is hard to change.

Even if Zhunti has pointed out the shortcomings of his character, he is still calculating the right, constantly forcing Zhun to raise his hand!

"Don't worry, there is no need for me to do anything, someone will be a knife for us!"

I heard the words and said slowly.

Hearing this, Sakyamuni couldn't help but stunned.

But he reacted quickly.

"But Heavenly Court?"

"Yes, Heavenly Court has sent troops, and it is Li Jing and his son who are in charge of the army!"

This news caused a huge wave in the heart of Sakyamuni.

"Heavenly Court actually sent troops? With the Jade Emperor's temperament, would he be so enthusiastic?"

Compared to the Hunyuan Saint, Sakyamuni was far behind.

He hadn't paid attention to Heavenly Court recently, so much so that he didn't even sense the news of Heavenly Court dispatching troops.

"Li Jing is a low-powered person, how could he be Ye Yao King's opponent? Let alone Ye Yao King, he is the Demon King of the Seven Great Sages, he is not an opponent!"

Soon, Sakyamuni shook his head disapprovingly.

Zhun mentioned the words and shook his head.

"You are wrong. Although Li Jing is incompetent, he will definitely ask for the burning lamp!" "This is true!"

Sakyamuni nodded.

Given the relationship between Li Jing and Nian Deng, Nian Deng is bound to make a move.

However, in this way, isn't Buddhism also involved in it?

"After all, the hands-on will only be the burning lamp series, and it can't be used at all!"

Seeing Sakyamuni’s doubts, Zhunqi said a little.

When Sakyamuni heard the words, he was no longer confused.

"It's a saint after all. Compared to me, I have to see it more thoroughly!"

After sighing with emotion, Sakyamuni bowed and retired.

"So, Duobao will retire first!"


Zhun mentioned the saint, nodded slightly, and then closed his eyes.

When Sakyamuni saw this, he didn't delay and retreated.

He didn't have any doubts about Zhun's words.

Like him, the two sages of the West also don't like burning lanterns very much.

After all, Burning Lantern is too nasty. He is a man and a rat, which is really disgusting.

The two sages in the West are optimistic about being afraid of leaving their grandchildren!

That is, Maitreya Buddha!

Therefore, they agree with Sakyamuni on the matter of burning lamps.

That is, confess the burning lamp high and don't give him a chance to make trouble!

Therefore, if Burning Lantern is forced to make a move against Shituoling.

That's great for Buddhism!

If the burning of the lamp can happen by luck, everything will be fine. Shituoling's thorny eye will be solved completely!

If it is burning a lamp, it will fall in Shituoling.

That Buddhism will not lose anything. Anyway, it is the lamp burning villain who is dead. They don't care at all. On the contrary, they can get rid of a worry!

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